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  1. J

    harness of water

    my water is very hard how can i get it down to soft?
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    how do u lover the nitrate mine is 200ppm ?
  3. J

    coviticts mateing r fighting?

    how do i know if there a pair and what would eggs look like
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    i had 3 turturls for about 5 years 1 got to be about 12" round and the other 2 were about 5" around and they just swam around and laid in the shallow water. then when i was on vation my mom cleaned my room and move them out side wile she was cleaning and the die form being in the 102º weather. :sad:
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    coviticts mateing r fighting?

    my convits r moveing the gravel from around one of my ornaments in my take? then they stared to fighting but they could have been mateing? what should i do¿?¿
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    Needlenose fish

    ok cooool
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    cycling with live plants

    well i order the plants of the internet so i have them just got put them some where
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    just start cylying

  9. J

    My Water is Cloudy

    yea thanks i just had to wait and everything is fine now
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    mty convits r moveing the gravel from around one of my ornaments in my take? i think they were fighting but they could have been mateing a few mins. ago? what should i do¿?¿
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    freshwater dolphin

    well i have a needlenose gar in my tank and he eats nothing but swordtails. he will not eat anything esle. i don't think this is cruel.
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    cycling with live plants

    i know co2 helps them but my ph nitrite alkalinity hardness and nitrate levels r not safe and they keep moving. can i put medicine in the tank will its is still cycling?
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    The Amazing Adventures of Jamnog

    thanks for the adivce
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    fiddler crab and dwarf frog

    like ur tank
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    just start cylying

    Verno Parish next to DeRidder and 1 hr north of lake charles
  16. J

    Needlenose fish

    really cause every where i read it is better to have more than one? so i can no keep my feeder fish in there with him?
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    just start cylying

    i live in Louisiana to what part do u live in?
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    cycling with live plants

    i just got some live plants to put in my tank but it is still cycling so can i put them in there? all the levels of stuff r vairying right now? the tank has been cycling sicne yesterday?
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    just start cylying

    sandy where r u from
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    freshwater dolphin

    where did u get that do dolphin? i want one? and where u get the freshwater pirhanas?
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    My Water is Cloudy

    that happen to my tank yesterday and it is gone now
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    Tetraodon travancoricus

    i have also want puffer but could never find them
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    I'm new

    well good for u hacve fun
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    Waste products

    i have 2 convits and there poo will get to be like almost double there body size and they arernt small!!
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    She getting fatter

    they r going to need a lot of plants to hide in i mean a lot
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    I'm new

    where did u get the puffers from?
  27. J

    I want some gouramis.

    i have always want some kissing fish and i almost bought a piar 3 days ago!!
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    just start cylying

    i just start a cyle with to swordtails in a 10 gallon tank that will become my breeding tank. how long will it take to cyle?
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    What other fish

    most fish will work as long as there not fish that eat live food
  30. J

    can i cycle with swordtails

    well before i had a chance to read this i put the new fish in there with the water from the other tank
  31. J

    about to start cycling

    well i just add the water from my other tank and put 2 swordtails in how long will it take to cyle?
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    what is cycling and how do you do it

    i just start a cyle with to swordtails in it and will the take still do a batriac bloosm and how long will it take?
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    ok thanks
  34. J

    can i cycle with swordtails

    can i cycle with swordtails????
  35. J

    about to start cycling

    so can i take 5 gallons of water out of my big tank and put it in my new tank? what is filter media? then can i put 2 swordtails in there?
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    Cycle question

    what does a pleco look like i think i have one just do rember its name? u have a pic.?
  37. J

    about to start cycling

    i herd somewhere that u can take the water or some of it out of one tank and put in a new and not havve to cycle it does that work and if now what fish should i use to cycle a 10 gallon tank that is going to be a guppy breeding tank?
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    fiddler crab and dwarf frog

    how did u set up ur tank to where he can get air i was looking to do that but cuoldnot think of how to do it? do u have a pic
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    it not the rest of the stuff in the filter shooting out it would have done that then i am going to get the test kits tonight