Tetraodon travancoricus



I have never had puffers before but have done a lot of reading and learned a lot about them but I was wondering if someone could suggest a place to by them online? My lfs never has them.

I also was wondering what you guys thought as far as stocking. I want to get 1 male and not sure how many females. Should I get 2 or 3 females,along with the male, ina 10g better? Is 3 pushing it?

Edit: I'm also open to any and all suggestions on any dwarf puffers and ideas. (As long as they are mean tho.)
One male and 3 females will be fine for a 10 gal. Tetraodon travancoricus is the only real Dwarf puffer (unless you count Cf. travancoricus which there is some debate on whether it is a seperate species). Next smallest FW would be South American Puffers, which are also probably the most mellow of the puffer species.
As far as ordering online, sorry but can't help there as there are at least 3 lfs in my area that carry puffers on a regular basis :p
no problem smb....where abouts are you located, there may be others that have a line on puffers in the surrounding areas. I have read post from folks that found Dwarfs online, but the price was about $30 each once you figure in shipping, as opposed to $5 - $7 in the lfs.
I live in Cleveland, Ohio. I'll wait on paying the premium money for it, for now. Thanks for that bit of info tho. If I get desperate and exhaust all my other options I won't mind paying that tho.

If I were to buy a male and female now and then 2 more females later, would that be ok or are they like cichlids and being that puffers are territorial, would they fight? If I couldn't do that, how about if I got 3 females now and wait and got the male later? Would that be ok? (Not that I plan on that, but if I do have to go online to buy, just wondering my options.)

Being as tho you said they were pretty popular at your lfs, I was going to call around and ask my main one if they can special order one for me. Doubt they will, but worth a try as a last resort.

I was also going to ask you if was possible to tell a female from a male? I read that the females are wider and the males have a dark streak on them? Even if that's true, never seeing one before, I'm not sure if I'd notice a difference. I'd rather not depend on a lfs worker to tell me if possible. Any tips?

Also, is there anything I should know out of the ordinary that you've come across with keeping these guys?
I think your lfs will probably order them in for you, as they are getting to be very popular now.
You could add them in any combination you would like, but depending on their personalities, you might have to relocate the first ones you get before adding the next batch so that everyone thinks they are in a new tank and there is no need to defend territory (they are very much like cichlids in that respect).

As far as telling males from females, it can be pretty tough when they are young, but as they age the males develop a black line down the middle of their belly, from chin to tail. The males also have a slght yellowish tinge around their bellies, and "wrinkles" behind their eyes like smile lines. The females have a flatter forehead and rounder body than the males, who are more tapered/streamlined and don't seem to get as round as the females. Check the pics in my signature, the first are female, the second are males, and the 3rd is female.

I have been noticing lately that it is not just the males that are territorrial, some of my females have started to become b**ches and chasing after any other (male or female) puffer that comes around. I find that each puffer has their own unique personality and can range from mellow wuss to psycho. For some general tips check General Pufferkeeping Tips
smb, i have always been able to find them at petco. I had a few of these guys awhile back. I got em for $1.29 each. If you have a petco, call em up and see if they'll order them.
impur said:
smb, i have always been able to find them at petco. I had a few of these guys awhile back. I got em for $1.29 each. If you have a petco, call em up and see if they'll order them.
That is where I got mine as well. They were only $1.99 or so... If you need me to, I or someone else would probably be willing to ship some to you.. They would be coming from California from me though... so I dont know... Its been really hot here lately, and I would be afraid to put them in a truck at this point... :look:
Wow thanks Pufferpack! Lots of great info I didn't know by reading.

impur and Phreaxer, thanks for the tip on Petco. I would have never thought of that. I'll give them a call on Monday and see if they have them or can order them if my lfs can't.

thanks again for helping me out everyone.
Thanks for your article! :D My daughter wants a puffer in the worst way, I feel the need to learn as much as possible about a fish before buying it. Long-lived little buggers, huh? :D
The Willoughby RMS carries them, however not very frequently. If you ask one of the fishy-guys, they might be able to order one for you... I know even Pet Supplies Plus (gack!!) orders animals in for people.

I think it's better to get one rather than to order one off the internet- shipping seems like stressful ordeal, and at the LFS, you can at least see they're healthy before you buy them.
Calusa said:
The Willoughby RMS carries them, however not very frequently. If you ask one of the fishy-guys, they might be able to order one for you... I know even Pet Supplies Plus (gack!!) orders animals in for people.

I think it's better to get one rather than to order one off the internet- shipping seems like stressful ordeal, and at the LFS, you can at least see they're healthy before you buy them.
Thanks calusa. :thumbs:

Can you keep your eye out for me and PM me if you see them or ask them next time you're in there if they know when they'll get them in again? :)
Thanks for your article! My daughter wants a puffer in the worst way, I feel the need to learn as much as possible about a fish before buying it. Long-lived little buggers, huh?

You're welcome :blush: , always nice to help, and ya they can be around for quite a while if they are kept in the proper conditions. I have read accounts of 15 + years for some species :huh:

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