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  1. J

    Large Tank of the Month

    hey luv all the tanks. can u do mine?
  2. J

    Needlenose fish

    well i gave him 2 yesterday after he atwe that fish and the were both gone ini like a min. . so i woke up this morning and he was opening and close his mouth so i thought he ate athoer fish but they were all there so i gave him other. will he attacki my convicts?what should i do about feeding him?
  3. J

    I think I've made a decision

    i was going to get some but i guess not now
  4. J

    Moving fish egg, what the hell?

    it could be a snail
  5. J

    What's involved with keeping tire track eel?

    do u have a pic of this eel?
  6. J


    yea maybe
  7. J


    just let it run for a few days it should be fine
  8. J

    i am staring a tank to breet guppys

    i am still reading on some of thouse links but i have a comment. i never new u could bid on live fish?
  9. J

    Am I missing something?

    yea that sounds like a good deal. good luck
  10. J

    fish tank price's

    they aren't that bad priced. but rember it is an expensive hooby
  11. J

    new tank?

    i would say go to ur lfs and ask them what kind of fish u can have. so u can tell the plants and other stuff u have in ur tank so u would get a fish that would diffently work out.
  12. J

    Needlenose fish

    i just got back from my fish store and got some more feeders. but when i got home he had tryed to eat a fish but he could not get it down so he ate the insides of it :-( . and i had not fed him for 2 days cause some one said not to feed him no more than 1 or twice a week so what should i do? he...
  13. J

    i am staring a tank to breet guppys

    ok so i need to check my lighting? where would i find the info about it?
  14. J

    coviticts mateing r fighting?

    ok so don't move them
  15. J

    coviticts mateing r fighting?

    can i move them to my cycling tank to have the babyes in?
  16. J


    what r they like? how big? and do they get really agg.
  17. J


    i have one just got it there r some forms here i have put but don't rember what they r called
  18. J

    Bacterial Infection

    i have no idea never heard of that happing
  19. J

    Female Sword Tail Died During Pregnancy

    really so when mine have babys there going to die
  20. J

    coviticts mateing r fighting?

    they have dug all the way around my ornatment to allmost the bottom of the tank
  21. J


    anyone have a firemouth?
  22. J

    whats in your tank

    thanks mountguppy
  23. J

    whats in your tank

    right now i have a needle nose gar and a wierd catfish and 2 covits wich i might have to move cause one is a about to have babyes. o yea i for got about the snake fish i have. hes really cool.
  24. J

    DIY Cave Page

    i am stupiet i could not find the page and it was right there. like the cave really cool
  25. J

    DIY Cave Page

    how do i get to the wed site?
  26. J

    would these fishes be ok with aquarium salt?

    what does the salt to in a fresh water tank anyways
  27. J

    Female Sword Tail Died During Pregnancy

    o and sorry about the fish
  28. J

    Female Sword Tail Died During Pregnancy

    i don't think the normal die but i don't know if they will live never had it happen
  29. J

    my odd tank

    like the tank
  30. J

    coviticts mateing r fighting?

    ok i nocie the color think but what is the tube thing
  31. J

    cycling with live plants

    coooool so i am going to go add my plants
  32. J


    well i did but there gone now. so they will go down when it done cycleing? and can i pput my live plants in there now?
  33. J

    harness of water

    well i just got some plants over the intwernet and they just got here but it said to put them in soft to hard water but my tank is reading very hard to hight then very hard. so what can i do now
  34. J

    Needle Fish

    i got my needle nose a few days ago and the first day he ate 6 little fish im had for him. i think he ate all thoughts cause the pet store did not feed him. and i feed him like 2 a day. and it is not the expensive either i just started a breeding tank and i am going to breed guppyes r swordtails...
  35. J

    cycling with live plants

    i just bought some stress zyme can i put it in now?
  36. J

    coviticts mateing r fighting?

    ok thanks i have a pair but i don't think i have eggs yet. what will the femlae look like when she is pregent and will she start acting funny?
  37. J


    can i do a water chang while my tank is cycling?