I think I've made a decision


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
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Wichita, KS
Hmm.. well... I purchased two dwarf puffers the other day, and I told myself I'd bring them back if they didn't work out, though I of course tried to convince myself all would be fine. However, this is unfortunately not the case, as I think I'm going to have to bring them back as soon as I can, probably tomorrow. My red gourami's tail has been shredded, and I've seen one of the puffers pick on my blue gouarmi. The red's tail was fine before I brought home the new arrivals, so I can only assume it's one or both of them causing the trouble. I was warned this might happen, of course I hoped it wouldn't, but it has. :( I just can't keep any bullies in my tank! Of course my tiger barb is a bit of a bully, but the other fish have learned to avoid him or bully him back, so I don't think he's the culprit. Another reason I think the puffers need to go back is because they need snails, and I have contacted everywhere I can think of to find some pond snails, and they are non-existant around here. Oh well... I think maybe I'll pick up 2 albino cories, since I've heard good things about them. I'll let you all know what I bring home, if anything. *sigh* This is hard, but I know it's for the best.

Also - how should I transport these guys back to the store? I have one of the bags they came home in, should I just do it like the pet store and put them in there? Or is another way better? I'm looking for easy here! hehe. Thanks everybody.
I've never had puffers before, so if anyone says anything different that I, take their advice.

I am going to be getting 4 dwarf puffers soon and have been reading up on them quite a bit since I've wondered what they are all about and that was what brought me to this choice.

I read that they can't really be with other fish because they do nip fins and are pretty aggro.

I am only going to keep them in a species specific tank because of what I've read.

Maybe pufferpack, who has forgotten more than I'll ever know about puffers, has an idea tho.
Puffers are quite an aggressive species and you shoulve read about them before you purchased them...puffers are mainly used to control a snail population however if in a community tank they would need to be remeoved within 2 days so yeah... :(
Kossy - Actually, I did do quite a bit of research before buying them - I know better than to buy a species of fish that is completely new to me before learning about them :). As I said in my original post, I knew it might not work out, because I realized they were aggressive.

Jerenycool - It's probably for the best if you don't get some, especially if you have any long finned fish. Research them carefully before buying some. smb is totally brilliant to keep them in a species only tank :thumbs:! I'd love to keep them an move them into a seperate tank, I just don't have room or the money.
Go ahead and get two albino cory. They are cute and they pretty much mind their own business. Never had any trouble with two of mine. Also they really help clean my tank. Barely have much left after I shifted the gravel(but then againI usually feed lttle twice a day to avoid overfeeding them).

Good luck taking them back and deciding what you want.
I also have not kept puffers, but I hear bags are really not a good way to transport them,

Over here the stores sell them in disposable "tupperware" style sealable boxs, or use a bag and place the bag in the box because of the risk of spines piecing the bag :/
Sorry to hear that you have to bring the little fellas back, but I guess it's for the best. I had hoped you got a couple of the milder tempered ones, but appearently not, your poor gourami's would never be safe.
Whenever I have to return any fish to the lfs I use a 2 gal pail with cling wrap over the top (held with an elastic) about 1/3 filled with water. I won't use a bag because I don't have the oxygen tank to pump it up and I don't want to take the chance that there won't be enough air for them.

Good luck, and I think you'll really like the corys, but I think at least 3 at a time is the usual recomendation, they are more secure and active. :)
just a quick thing about snails...what part of wa r u in...cause every lfs around here has snails....also just buy some of the disposable glad ware thingies and put ur fish in there works for me....

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