Moving fish egg, what the hell?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Yesterday on the top of my heater a found what appears to be a single fish egg. The next morning I got up to look for it and couldn't find it, I thought it must have fallen off or something. But then I noticed it had moved to the other side. I just assumed thats where it had always been. But after feeding my fish I looked back, and it had moved again :crazy: I took a closer look at it and it still appears to be a fish egg, it keeps moving! Could it be a baby snail? Is this normal of a fish egg to move??

VCG :fun:
It is a possibility that it is a snail. I know I have had many small snails that appeared to be eggs. I really doubt its a fish that can't get out. What kind of fish do you have?
Yeah my fish are in sig. At closer inspection it looks to be a tiny snail :/ Sorry about wasting your time.

VCG :fun:
Actually fish eggs do move. At least my black skirt tetra eggs moved. It was the baby fish inside moving around, especially when we put a light on them.


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