Search results

  1. B

    Brichardi and Fry

    fotm nomation 2 just 2 cool
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    the filter will work for a heater the best are ones where they are sumberual not clip on they are 5-7 dallors more but ar worth the money
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    Vacuuming Gravel

    ive had it happen but it isnt bad the main key is 2 have your mouth lower than the tank/ vacume, then give a good such and somewhat quikly take it out of your mouth and boom you have a good siphen going, tell me aquarim water tastes the same......... :huh: :nod: :nod: its very refreshing a...
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    How many Cichlids

    no offence 2 you guys chichlids is the biggest group of fish! what kind of chichlids do you have it sounds like you have too many allready and i would not advise on breeding you have not enough room where are you going 2 but all the baby fish when they grow up???
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    Coolest fish

    you dont have cories :( that would be my vote wait you have catfish close enough
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    Fish to cycle with?

    as far as i know most tetras are bad including neon tetra and expessly carndnal tetra, what fish i would do is gupps they kinda school. and i bet smb is going 2 prech about fishless cycly
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    Chinneze alge eater

    he is mean :angry: 2 my lovly cories :wub:
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    Chinneze alge eater

    i know it is crule but getting my other fish is crule 2 i will ask around see if anyone will take him, i try and explain my situation 2 the place i bought him and i will give him 2 them
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    Chinneze alge eater

    i have found out that my spossed otto is a chinnese alge eater, i probley should of been more alert but i didnt, how i found out is he is very big now well not that big like 3-4" i can not keep him and i dont know if any store will take him for free. i sorry 2 say i may hav 2 kill him sorry...
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    How many fish in a 20g?

    well um :unsure: i think i wouldnt worry about breeding the charm wears of after you have over a hundred and you dont have room for the fry
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    Anyone have experience?

    i would also recomend 2 cories i wouldnt advise on having just on cause they like 2 have friends. a pair of guppies and 2 cories and your gournime would be nice
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    Cory's gills are bright pink

    bigfish you should get some more cories because cories are happest when they are in pairs or groups
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    Panda Cory question

    if you get cories make sure you get them hikari sinking wafers for bottem feeders and catfish
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    does anyone have guppyes?

    Im with kossy on this one it cost a lot of money for proper shiping and puffer pack would be smarter 2 give them 2 a petstore also what are you doing with these guppies i belive puffer pack has the right 2 know if they are going 2 be breed 2 be eaton or what
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    Advice on tankmates plz

    the cories need freind or friends dont just buy one get 3 or 4 they are kool fish cories are the friendlist fish alive they need food other than left over food of other fish i would HIGHLY recomend HIKARI SINKING WAFERS FOR BOTTEM FEEDERS. I feed 2 a day also you can find cories at most...
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    Betta HELP

    he had a all black head no grey it is just a plain grey patches no spots it isnt like cotten
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    My new 55 gallon tank!

    i really em not sure so your gona have 2 wait lol :lol: i hope you like it, nobody will ever anweser 2 u i f you are gona be a jerk :angry: i think you should be kicked off the forum :nod: but they are probley 2 nice. :nod:
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    look what I just got

    wow thanks tha :thumbs: LOOKS REALLY REALLY GOOD :thumbs: i would like 2 do salt water but 2 expensive and its diffecult 2 maintain
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    Betta HELP

    are u postive?
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    Millions of white dots......can anyone help!!??

    ugly little buggers :alien:
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    Betta HELP

    my betta has been rubbing himself on anything, and he has like greyish stuff under his head and his head is black or dark purple, also i thought he was dead but he layes on the ground like hes dead but i put some food in and tapped the glass and he poped up and went after the food what is this...
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    Chat room info :)

    the grey screen is it loading you have 2 wait a bit expessly if you have stone age dail up (no offence)
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    Millions of white dots......can anyone help!!??

    could it be like water lice i dont know if that is quite the right name, i dont know a thing how 2 treat it sorry maby there is a med for it good luck :look:
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    look what I just got

    could you get a pic where we can see the whole thing side 2 side that would be cool, by the way really cool pix lov um
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    What sized containor/tank do you think bettas

    :D my betta has been through them all and loved them, hes been in a cup in a 1/2 gallon in a gallon, in a 4 gallon bowl and has been in a 10 gallon by himself and he has loved every single one xpt the cup in the store :angry:
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    feeder guppie fry

    if feeder gupps are like fancy gupps it takes them anywere from 2 weeks(quite rare i think) too a month, as for food they sell fry food at major petstores and all fish stores some comes in a tube and such, or you can make your own, option 1 crushed up flakes like powder really really when i...
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    Oranda Goldfish

    he could try some gupps and some cories after cycling they are very easy fish 2 take care off, just have 2 get hikari sinking wakers for bottem feeders, cories like 2 be in groups so get atleast 2. for cycling i would get 2 MALE guppies and after add another male gupp and then add your cories...
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    Starting a new tank

    hmm well i think your gona have 2 live with the gravel, and it will speed up cycling very much and im not sure if you can cycle a gournime but i think they are very hardy, as for tank mates i would highly recomend 3 or 2 cories(albino) they will eat the uneaten food and such, they are also very...
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    Fry in a 1 Gal WalMart Tank

    i think your right its the gravel and the the filter and any thing else in the tank that gets ammonia eating bacteira
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    i just had my fry (gupps) yesterday my first, congrads on the fry
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    Entire Baby Tank Wiped Out!

    you have 2 make mistakes 2 learn, and what could you have done any ways, you dont have water that doesnt have nitrites so dont even think about blameing yourself. next time you will have happy fry.
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    Finally guppy fry!

    they are eating now :P
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    Re-stocking following tank disasters

    i really dont know what you should do but um good luck :sad:
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    Just Hi

    :bday: i mean :hi: you have came 2 the #1 fish site :hooray: have fun :drink: and hope 2 see you around the forum
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    September Nominations

    small tank of month my tank 10 gallon
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    Help Needed - Temp Sticker? + more

    :D :P thats good if u are thinking and asking quistions that is good you will like mr great lakes said will have sucsesses(lol bad spelling today) Good LUCk :thumbs:
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    Lets start dog of the month

    here is my dog bear(yellow lab)
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