feeder guppie fry


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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ok....long story, I bought feeder guppies for my crayfish but they turned into my pets. They are really sturdy so they cycled my tank then they went to my next-door-neighbors to cycle her tank. Only 2 of them went to my neighbors house while 2 stayed in my 1-gallon bowl. One of them at my neighbors house had 3 babies, 1 died. I have them in a fish containor that is about 1/2 a gallon. The same guppie had 4 babies a week after she had the two. They are still at my neighbors, but I was wondering.........
What should I feed the fry?
How many will the feeder guppie have?
How long will it take before she's done having babies for awhile?
Please tell me any other info I need to know!
if feeder gupps are like fancy gupps it takes them anywere from 2 weeks(quite rare i think) too a month, as for food they sell fry food at major petstores and all fish stores some comes in a tube and such, or you can make your own,

option 1 crushed up flakes like powder really really when i mean really really fine i mean fine, you should really only use this after 2-3 weeks old

option 2 liqude fry food, take the yolk of a hardboiled egg and cruse it up and add a bit of water and feed it 2 them, BE VERY CARFULL WITH THE AMOUNT IN A SMALL TANK IT CAN PULLUTE IT AND KILL ALL THE FRY IN IT, EXPESSELY IN A SMALL TANK.

you should also feed them very ofen like 3-4 times a day

fry are a lot of work,

also you should do multipul water changes in 2 weeks in a 1/2 gallon i would do 2 or 3 water changes (50 percent or 25) in a week

is the half gallon cycled?

if not they might not make it :-( :-(

good luck :- :-
Please tell me any other info I need to know!

Cycling with fish kills them and if not, the pain they go through with the ammonia shredding and tearing up their gill membranes if they do happen to live, shortens their lives.

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I would suggest you leave them in the tank "believe it or not" You're better off placing them inside a tank larger than half a gallon cause when it comes to water changes it would affect the fish tramendously. Uhh, I didn't know feeder guppies had 3 babies 1 week and had 4 the other, talk about a mother who doesn't know how to let go :p Near where I live I can buy close to 45 feeder guppies for 5 dollars. :thumbs:

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