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  1. JohnnyD

    New Tank, New Betta

    No..The tank is brand new today. I just finished putting it together and wasn't sure what my next step is. The directions are pretty vague.
  2. JohnnyD

    New Tank, New Betta

    Hi All Unfortunatly, my betta The General passed last week. So I have gone out and bought a 5 gallon TopFin tank with filter. And a little guy I have yet to name. Just a couple of quick questions. Should I treat the water before putting it in the tank and letting the filter get at it for a...
  3. JohnnyD

    Sick Betta..advice

    Hi All I have a sick betta on my hands... :sick: For the past couple of days, he has been swimming or just staying on the bottom of the tank. When he does move around he will dart around for a couple of seconds, then just collapse back to the bottom. He does have an appetite when he comes to...
  4. JohnnyD


    Yeah, he seems really happy in the 1.5 gal. I came home last night and there was a monster bubble nest. :hyper: He hasn't had any issues from what it seems. Other than some fin rot which I am trying to treat right now. He flips out and gets all happy when someone approaches the tank :shout...
  5. JohnnyD


    No worries... :unsure: Not sure really. It's my first betta, and the tank seemed to be a good size. He seems pretty happy. It also seems like the local pet stores around here only have either 1 or 1.5 gallon tanks or absurdly big tanks.
  6. JohnnyD


    Hey All :blush: With spring and summer coming up, I am thinking of getting a heater for my betta's tank. I want to be able to keep my betta happy while also keeping myself cool. Right now my apartment is about 75, with the tank temp about 76-78. Obviously I can't keep my apartment that...
  7. JohnnyD

    Do Frequent Water Changes Affect Med Use?

    In regards to the question, I am interested in what to do also. My Betta (The General) has contracted fin rot. I did a 100% water change yesterday and added some Melafix and Aquarium salt. Just wondering by keeping up on the water changes, does that affect the meds working? Should I add a...
  8. JohnnyD

    Darting & Heavy Breathing

    I have been getting the same thing for a little while. The General eats well and seems ok. He does dart around when I go and say hi to him. Then kind of calms down when I am not near his tank...He is in the middle of a good case of fin rot, so I am not sure if when he darts, he is stressed...
  9. JohnnyD

    Fin Rot!

    Ok, so the 100% water change is done. I added a rounded teaspoon of aquarium salt and not even 1/4 of a capful of Melafix. So, we shall see. He seemed a little less freaked out by this water change. Although he didn't want to come out for the water change.... :shout: I don't think my moms...
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  12. JohnnyD

    Fin Rot!

    I am going to give the Melafix and aquarium salt a try. I am hoping that it hasn't got worse today. I haven't been home yet. Any idea on dosage? I believe the direction on the bottle are for larger tanks. Not smaller ones like mine. Is it possible he is depressed? :unsure: I was away for...
  13. JohnnyD

    Fin Rot!

    Here is a pic of the little can see the back of the tail is really shredded. Thanks again for any help. :unsure:
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  15. JohnnyD

    Fin Rot!

    :unsure: Hi All I just came back from a weekend away to find my betta has a really bad case of fin rot. I noticed a little bit before I left, and now it has got really bad. It is about time for a full water change, so I will be doing this tomorrow. I have Melafix and aquarium salt. Any...
  16. JohnnyD

    Upgrade For The General

    Ok, thanks. I'll go and add a tiny bit of Melafix to help his fins out. I am hoping he has calmed down a little bit when I get home. :unsure: How long does it take for the fins to start re-generating? Thanks
  17. JohnnyD

    Upgrade For The General

    What about the fin issues. Is the melafix ok to add with the Betta in there? Same with salt? Thanks!!!
  18. JohnnyD

    Upgrade For The General

    Alright, well so much for the filter. It broke about an hour after I started it up. :crazy: I was thinking of returning it, but, I already assembled it and it looks pretty good even without the filter. Plus, it was a pretty good price for it (about $20.00). The water that was in it was...
  19. JohnnyD

    Upgrade For The General

    Hey all. So I deceided to do a little upgrade for my betta. I went out and bought a 1.5 gal tank w/filter. It's pretty sharp looking and it is set up. I haven't put The General in yet even though the water has been treated for 24 hrs (I had planned on doing a water change tonight). I want...
  20. JohnnyD

    Cloudy Water

    Thanks for the quick answer. If I go ahead and treat some water tonight, and do a second water change in two days, could that effect my betta? Maybe a partial change, or full? If it is partial, I do have some left over treated water from the change last night.. -_-
  21. JohnnyD

    Cloudy Water

    Hi All Just a quick question. I came home today to find my bettas water very cloudy. I put the 1 gal tank up to a light and noticed that the clouds were almost swirlling around. I can see my betta pretty well, but, the water is def cloudy. I have only had him about a week. When I...
  22. JohnnyD

    The Mirror Test

    Thanks for the all the tips. If I were to do a say 50% water change. How should I handle it? Should I remove him first? What about cleaning the gravel? I know you can use a turkey baster to clean out all the excess food etc. Thanks. PS I am hoping to put some pics up of the General..How...
  23. JohnnyD

    Ugh People Tick Me Off So Much

    I youtubed, betta fish and got people actually fighting them at parties. It seemed like college kids. They would put the second betta in and let them fight. They were all cheering. It just really made me heated! :angry: Talk about wanting to reach through the monitor. It's amazing how some...
  24. JohnnyD

    The Mirror Test

    Thanks for the reply! The tank is only 1 gallon and isn't heated. I bought one of those thermometers that stick to the side of the tank and the temp ranged between 74-76 degrees F. I fed him his morning bloodworm and he seemed a little more upbeat. I am going to go ahead with the 100% water...
  25. JohnnyD

    The Mirror Test

    Hi All I noticed what could be some fin rot on my guy today. I plan on a 100% water change tomorrow (first water change). He seems to be ok cuz he is blowing bubble at the top. Mostly on the edge and some in the middle. I am assuming he isn't all that uncomfortable. He comes up to the side...
  26. JohnnyD

    Brand New Owner

    Hi Everyone. So The General seems pretty happy to this day. I did notice this morning that it looks like the very tip of his back bottom fin turned a little black (fin rot?) :/ . Maybe this is due to water quality? I was thinking of changing his water tomorrow. So I went to the pet store...
  27. JohnnyD

    New Betta!

    Hmmm he is a Veiltail..How about Vito? :good: Or Stewie? (cause I am watching Family Guy) ^_^
  28. JohnnyD

    Brand New Owner

    Thank you all for you help. It's appreciated. It's kind of funny, I am already attached to him. He seemed to have a great personality right off the bat. I am hoping to get a picture of The General up soon.
  29. JohnnyD

    Brand New Owner

    Hi All. Ok, as of the past Wednesday, I have been a new owner of a male betta named General Speedy Claxton II. :good: I purchased him at a local Petsmart along with a 1 Gallon tank which included gravel, plastic plant water treater, and food (flakes). So, once home, I preceeded to set up...