Cloudy Water


New Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hi All

Just a quick question.

I came home today to find my bettas water very cloudy. I put the 1 gal tank up to a light and noticed that the clouds were almost swirlling around. I can see my betta pretty well, but, the water is def cloudy. I have only had him about a week. When I originally put him in the tank, the water never got cloudy. So, my hunch is that it isn't the water

I made a water change yesterday while adding a couple of new silk plants for him. I washed the plants before I put them in the new water. Is it possible that I didn't clean them enough? I also added some aquarium salt and some medicine for the tip of his fin (it turned a little black over the weekend) He seems to be pretty active and ate all of his food tonight. Otherwise very happy.

Any tips would be appreciated...

Thanks :good:
It could be the silk plants, or it could be some kind of bacterial bloom, OR it could be from the medication lol.
I'd do a water change.
Thanks for the quick answer.

If I go ahead and treat some water tonight, and do a second water change in two days, could that effect my betta? Maybe a partial change, or full? If it is partial, I do have some left over treated water from the change last night.. -_-
Get yourself some dechlorinator. Even though leaving water out will get rid of chlorine, it won't get rid of heavy metals and I think chloramine? which are harmful to fish as well.

I would just do a partial change. Since you said your betta is still ok, a full change shouldn't be necessary.

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