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  1. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Right, well.. I wouldn't exactly call this "scaped" at the moment.. but it looked awful as it was once the cabomba/wysteria died, so I just shoved all the moveable stuff together until I get more plants.. ;)
  2. bumbleweasle

    Low Tech / Low C02 Foreground Plants

    Agreed! :) These plus ech.tenellus are doing great in my low tech.
  3. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Oops, I'm not used to getting replies! :P Thanks! Hehe, yeh I cut down the lights to 5 hrs recently because there was too much sun coming through the window.. Will be moving the tank next weekend. Aha! Well I guess the sun could have spiked the temp in the tank, killing the cabomba...
  4. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Aah, problems, problems.. All the cabomba dropped its leaves overnight a wee while back.. plant-based chaos ensued.. shortly followed by the death of the water wysteria. :angry: Then the algae decided to make a comeback.. BBA + hair algae + the tough green spots that stick to the glass...
  5. bumbleweasle

    Xl Planted Tank Video

    Awesome, thanks! :D
  6. bumbleweasle

    My 125L Journal

    aaargh, cabomba!!! i spent most of this afternoon attempting to reduce the chaos caused by the very same thing! Leaves everywhere!!! :crazy:
  7. bumbleweasle

    Planted Tank Filtration & Flow

    Excellent, thank you! :)
  8. bumbleweasle


    here's mine, on top of the bogwood in the centre, although i think mine might be a mini bolbitis?
  9. bumbleweasle

    Planted Tank Filtration & Flow

    Hmmm.. so would it be better to go for that + the Koralia, or look at a filter with larger flow rate? (It doesn't have to be the Eheim, I just noticed a couple 2nd hand on eBay, hehe)
  10. bumbleweasle

    Planted Tank Filtration & Flow

    Cheers! :)
  11. bumbleweasle

    Planted Tank Filtration & Flow

    Aloha! I think I'm about a week from taking my dodgy old Fluval 4+ & launching it out of a window... There are many, many reasons for my (increasingly extreme) hatred, so I'll not bore you. ;) It's currently in my 48"x12"x18" (about 140l) tank alongside a Hydor Koralia 900 for increased flow...
  12. bumbleweasle

    Which Plant For Carpeting?

    I have a low tech (no CO2) tank & am successfully growing echinodorus tenellus and sagittaria subulata. The ech.tenellus in particular is throwing out runners left right & centre, but they're both doing great. :D
  13. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Update time! No pics tonight as cramming in uni prep (2nd year, here I come!), but will get some this week. :) I'll start with the good stuff. :good: -Ech. Tenellus: runners everywhere, looking nice & green. -Hairgrass & sag subulata have also both settled in well although no runners...
  14. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    hehe, they looked like they'd been stored under a brick! There's one piece of thicker root that looked OK though so i stuck it in there on the offchance.
  15. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    Hello! Feedback for KittyKat = plants arrived v. quickly & looked like they would have been very healthy, but sadly they were completely flattened in the post! I'm not having much luck with postal services at the moment!!! Thanks anyway, I don't think this was your fault, & I hope your moss...
  16. bumbleweasle

    Lighting Issue

    Thanks, K.. your moss is on its way to you, by the way!
  17. bumbleweasle

    Lighting Issue

    Cheers! :good:
  18. bumbleweasle

    Lighting Issue

    Hello.. came through this morning to discover that the timer for the tank lights had failed & the lights have been on all night! Have turned them off now.. should I leave them off all day today, or is it better to try & stick with the normal routine?
  19. bumbleweasle

    My 200L Journal

    :) Your plants look so healthy!
  20. bumbleweasle

    Echinodorus Tenellus / Dwarf Pygmy Chain

    Mine also came potted from planted tanks & it's doing really well.
  21. bumbleweasle

    Plant Id?

    Hmm.. well I think an amazon sword is "echinodorus" genus "amazonius" species. A wider genus search may help (type "echinodorus" into Google Images & see if there are any that look like your plant). Failing that, if you can get a pic up here then someone more knowledgable may be able to ID it...
  22. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    @KittyKat, sorry for the delay, I've had some issues to deal with & haven't been home for a couple days.. Baby crypts are actually perfect for me, though, & don't need many at all.. one or two would be lovely. I should be back home tomorrow, will PM you then. :)
  23. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    Depends on your setup, I guess! I have it in a low-tech situation with no CO2 & it's pretty slow... I don't think waiting for a couple weeks would give you much more to be honest.. it'll probably be just enough for a 2inch square piece of mesh. If you'd rather wait for a better deal then...
  24. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    Hi KittyKat.. Think I may be a post or two shy of the required 50, but I am looking for crypt wendtii "brown". :) I have a little weeping moss that needs trimmed, but it's really not a lot at the moment! Happy to send some though, or I could pay postage via PayPal.. I am in the UK. [edit...
  25. bumbleweasle

    Brown Spots

    Click on this icon above where you type: , & type/paste the web address for the pic into the wee box that pops up. You can also click Browse, beneath your message editor where it says "attachments", but I'm not sure if there are limits to the size of file you upload.
  26. bumbleweasle

    Moss Walls

    Have recently bought something similar here.. haven't used it yet but it looks good for use with net/thread - although I'll be making sure to keep it away from my heater!!
  27. bumbleweasle

    Just Bought 4 Bags Of Caribsea Eco-Complete

    Hmm.. I have no idea. COuld be worth a go, though! :lol: Mine is mixed as it is, with lotsa plain sand & the plants seem fine so far.
  28. bumbleweasle

    Just Bought 4 Bags Of Caribsea Eco-Complete

    I have some, but for me, it's quite gravelly.. Might not be best for some of the stem plants, or plants with finer roots - I prefer sand nowadays as it's less damaging - especially if you're prone to rescaping every now & then. Can't help you in terms of plant nutrition, though - I put my...
  29. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    :D Cheers, Ian & KkAaNnEe. Yeh, they're echinodorus & java fern, I think? One of my mates said exactly the same thing about the larger leaves there confusing things.. ;) If I can't work 'em in on the left then they'll likely end up in the plant donation thread.. if anyone wants them...
  30. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Ian, you were right about that crypt, hehe.. after looking at other coloured plants I reckon that's the best for my tank. Will be ordering later this week, along with some extra moss cuz I'm an addict. :drool: Latest plan - am trying to play emphasise the perspective so it looks like the...
  31. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Thanks, Ian, I actually hadn't been considering coloured plants.. those brown crypts are nice! Will have a read tomorrow & think about that left hand side. :) Think I might have worked out what's bugging me about that sand.. it might just be a wee bit too "neat". I'm going to try moving the...
  32. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Pretty please?
  33. bumbleweasle

    This Moss Has Worms In It!

    Thanks, Ben, just about to rinse it off now. :)
  34. bumbleweasle

    This Moss Has Worms In It!

    Got some moss in the mail this morning & it's riddled with wee red worms!! At a guesstimate they could be bloodworms/midge larvae, in which case I'm sure my fish won't mind.. but I don't want to risk infecting 'em with parasites or somesuch!! What should i do?
  35. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Right, 'scuse the slightly photoshopped pics, havin' a bit of a wobbly day with the old joints, hehe.. so had to "sharpen" 'em a bit. Decided to fill in that area with clean sand today.. I figured it's easy to change if I don't like it, and ... well, I don't think I do! :no: I really...
  36. bumbleweasle

    A Very English Spring

    Hey, this looks awesome! My scaping is kinda limited by the height of my tank, & I always did like the corner setups... Will have to start saving my pennies, I'm quite jealous!
  37. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Glad it's still improving, I've mucked about with it so much in the last month that I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't just overdoing things! ;) I am happier with the added height in the arch/bolbitis, though, & those bits of wood are nice & stable now, so we'll be having no more...
  38. bumbleweasle

    Ngā Reo O Aotearoa (Voices Of Aotearoa)

    I'm likin' this layout.. both wood & rocks are gonna be stunning :)
  39. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Sawed off that awful branch today :D ...still not sure what to do with that "well"...
  40. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Right, time for some opinion-seeking... I removed the plant pot, & knocked the bloomin' bogwood over while I was in there. It's not the first time, so I ended up recruiting the bogwood from the far right of the tank (with the peacock moss on), & now the tank looks like this: I like it, but...