Search results

  1. Rooster

    Large Elodea For Sale

    I agree, but must admit - posts like this are pointless... if you think its too expensive DONT BUY IT !!!!! :angry:
  2. Rooster

    Heater For My New Fish Tank

    Despite all the scaremongering there is NO "right and wrong" about this... only caution, you could keep fish at the correct temp in a kettle, provided the thermostat was good enough ! And there lies the potential problem... if the thermostat ever DOES get stuck on (a fault I have NEVER had in 40...
  3. Rooster

    Juwel Light Won't Come On & Only Lights Up Both Ends

    My money is on a starter too... :good:
  4. Rooster

    Red Tailed Black Shark..

    Only a couple of quid.... and its not actually a "shark" they are quite docile, and at home in a community tank with plenty of hidey holes as they can get a bit territorial.
  5. Rooster

    Ammonia High Wont Go Down Need Help Fish Are Dying

    I absolutely DISAGREE.... shops should have a responsibility to offer valid advice, or simply say "I dont know" .... imagine this attitude from a chemist !!!! The business model that states "fleece the thick customer NOW" has never made sense to me, I would have thought "treat the...
  6. Rooster

    Ammonia High Wont Go Down Need Help Fish Are Dying

    The fish you have are already dead.... PLEASE read the stickies on "fishless cycling" and start again :blush: ...oh, and burn down that fish shop. :good:
  7. Rooster

    Lighting Set Up

    Make big difference dont they ?
  8. Rooster

    Lighting Set Up

    "Aquarium" tubes are best.... they are designed for plant growth and enhance fish colours - but again there's a personal choice to be made, some folk like the purple tinge that a lot of aquarium tubes give, or there's the newer tech that produces a white light... my main tank runs one of each...
  9. Rooster

    Lighting Set Up

    You really should change tubes after 6 months... or a year at most (with modern ones) The light they emit changes in spectrum over time, and may promote algae if left too long :-(
  10. Rooster

    Getting This Tank Clean Problem?

    But the junk thats making the water cloudy needs REMOVING from the tank... letting the filter do the graft is not only a cop out, its probably damaging the filter :-(
  11. Rooster

    Has Any One Got One?

    As I said earlier... theres no problem with the supply having "too much" current... I you want to send me the part, I will happily sort it for you ?
  12. Rooster

    Getting This Tank Clean Problem?

    You wont last long in this hobby ! -_-
  13. Rooster

    Has Any One Got One?

    Thanks Gav... Something like THIS should suffice then...
  14. Rooster

    Has Any One Got One?

    If its JUST a "12v adaptor" they are available in lots of places - but you would need to adapt the connector, and discover the current requirements (although an existing user will be able to provide this info) No doubt JBL will offer a replacement, but it will cost a LOT more than one from an...
  15. Rooster

    Electrical Question.

    You CANNOT have "too much current" the device will only draw what it needs.... I would measure the current myself, but if you dont have a meter, then I would guess at well under one Amp... a 500mA PSU should do the job.
  16. Rooster

    Too Many Water Changes?

    Hey - thanks for noticing !!! lol :good: :lol:
  17. Rooster

    Too Many Water Changes?

    The cycle NEEDS ammonia to run, you maybe depriving the filter of food !!!!! Please read the stickies on cycles.
  18. Rooster

    Has Any One Got One?

    Can you post a pic of the offending article ? AND a picture of any labels on the device the plug attaches to please ?
  19. Rooster

    Heater Question

    Plecos grow like something out of a horror film, so be SURE your tank can accommodate it ! :blush: There are dwarf versions, but I would take the LFS word for it. There are also a lot of other species that could be termed "sucker fish" and are quite fun to watch as they hoover up algae off the...
  20. Rooster

    Filter Leaking - Tetratec

    Now THAT is service ! :good:
  21. Rooster

    Heater Question

    YOU have a temp of around 90 F... your tanks water is about 75 F.... so it SHOULD feel cool !!!!! theres nothing to worry about.
  22. Rooster

    Filter Leaking - Tetratec

    can you see which bit is the problem ?
  23. Rooster

    Small Wavemaker Or Powerhead Please ?

    ...just need to blow a little water over the sand in a tank. Thanks
  24. Rooster

    Has Any One Got One?

    Anything like this ? If so, ask for a "shaver adaptor" in Wilkos or another hardware store.... only a quid or so.
  25. Rooster

    Filter Leaking - Tetratec

    Warrantee ? if not, another brand may be in order ! :blush: If you are unsure of how its assembled, nip into "Wharf aquatics" at Pinxton.... Im sure they will sort it.
  26. Rooster

    How Much Mature Filter Media To Add?

    No sane aquarium keeper would offer more than 25-30% anyway, so its up to the doner.... and its fair to replace what you are given.
  27. Rooster

    Gravel To Sand During Cycle...

    The water contains NOTHING useful... so feel free to dump it, but you WILL have to add more ammonia to keep the cycle going. You can easily add sand to water WITHOUT any clouding - providing you have rinsed it enough. Dont forget to turn off the filter before adding sand - you dont want a single...
  28. Rooster

    Wanted: Riccia

    Lots of riccia NOW if you want it.... I post as and when the tanks overgrown !!! So its first come first served basis... sorry ! (and by "first come" I mean first paid ! LOL, there are so many urine extractors on here :angry: )
  29. Rooster

    Wanted: Riccia

    I think the "cabomba" turned out to be "hornwort" ! :blush: And stocks are a little down... loads more in a month no doubt !
  30. Rooster

    Wanted: Riccia

    I still have quite a bit... see my post in classifieds - "plants" for pic
  31. Rooster

    Heater Cover, Necessity?

    NEVER used one... never seen a problem -_-
  32. Rooster

    Cleaning Eheim 2213

    The procedure I use is to shut the inlet tap, then the outlet... and unplug the filter, there's always a little spillage so you may like to place the filter into an empty bucket - catch any drips. Once the maintenance is complete, reassemble the filter - connect the pipes (if removed) and then...
  33. Rooster

    Quick Quick. Shimming Sump Directly? Was Unlevel.

    NEVER shim under the tank.... you need to get the top of the stand level, maybe shim the feet ?
  34. Rooster

    Cleaning Eheim 2213

  35. Rooster

    Fire Extingusher Co2

    See the "lol" at the end of the statement ? :blush: Regs for welding gear can be had for a couple of quid from "cattle markets" etc, Ive seen them on ebay for around a fiver... a new one is only £20 odd, its this "aquarium" tag than ups the prices on ALL hardware.
  36. Rooster

    Fire Extingusher Co2

    You have WAAAY too much money !! lol I went diy with a disposable welding cylinder and reg from "machine mart" If you can accommodate it, you can get a massive "pub" cylinder refilled for £10.... last years.
  37. Rooster

    Help - Cherry Shrimp Dying

    "Crab cuisine" and Tetra flake/crisps... as well as the odd veggi treat.
  38. Rooster

    Diy Tank Stand

    Yea - thats what I did.... and used it as a shelf support ! But if it IS free standing, I would add crossbracing. (My main tank is attached to a wall with 2 rawl bolts through the rear legs - slots rather than holes, as its stood on carpet) Heres a pic just after the build.... before cladding.
  39. Rooster

    Help - Cherry Shrimp Dying

    No CO2.... and I cant see anything foreign in the tank - its a complete mystery ! Just come in to find another 7 corpses.... :crazy: I did a water change on Sat, other than that nothing new... and the water went into my show tank too, no casualties there though ! :huh:
  40. Rooster

    Diy Tank Stand

    If you just want a lash-up, get some "CLS" timber from one of the DIY sheds... less than £2 a length, make a frame the same size as the tank base... and add 4 legs (which will need bracing if the unit is NOT secured to a wall) Depending on your wood working skills, a FLAT sheet of MDF or ply to...