Heater Question


New Member
Jun 5, 2009
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Hi, just a quick question regarding my heater, I have it set in my tank at 26 degrees, and my outside stick on thermometer reads about the same, but when I put my hand into the water it feels cool, not freezing but certainly not warm either, is this normal? the tank is a 125 litre, I just thought that the water should be at least luke warm before putting any fish in there....
If the therm reads 26c im quite sure it will be that. I thought mine was cold also, but it wasn't :p
My tanks always feel cold to me when I put my hands in, but providing you have a good thermometer (preferably an in tank one, stick on outside ones are useless), then it will be at the temp it reads.
YOU have a temp of around 90 F... your tanks water is about 75 F.... so it SHOULD feel cool !!!!!
theres nothing to worry about.
YOU have a temp of around 90 F... your tanks water is about 75 F.... so it SHOULD feel cool !!!!!
theres nothing to worry about.

Thanks folks! My fishless cycle is complete and everything is good, I'm off to buy a few barbs to start me off, one last question, would it be safe enough to buy a sucker fish (pleco?) at this stage and put him in with the new barbs?, I haven't really researched any info on sucker fish so I'm unsure which type to buy and if there are any certain instructions I should follow...do I need to wait a few weeks till the barbs get comfortable for example?

Thanks again, this forum's a great help!
YOU have a temp of around 90 F... your tanks water is about 75 F.... so it SHOULD feel cool !!!!!
theres nothing to worry about.

Yep, since your body temperature is higher than your tank's temperature, it's not uncommon that your hand will feel cool if you put it in the warm tank water. Sometimes it may feel warm... but that probably means you're cold anyway. :rolleyes:
YOU have a temp of around 90 F... your tanks water is about 75 F.... so it SHOULD feel cool !!!!!
theres nothing to worry about.

Thanks folks! My fishless cycle is complete and everything is good, I'm off to buy a few barbs to start me off, one last question, would it be safe enough to buy a sucker fish (pleco?) at this stage and put him in with the new barbs?, I haven't really researched any info on sucker fish so I'm unsure which type to buy and if there are any certain instructions I should follow...do I need to wait a few weeks till the barbs get comfortable for example?

Thanks again, this forum's a great help!

Plecos grow like something out of a horror film, so be SURE your tank can accommodate it ! :blush: There are dwarf versions, but I would take the LFS word for it.
There are also a lot of other species that could be termed "sucker fish" and are quite fun to watch as they hoover up algae off the glass - as you have a new tank, I would wait a couple of weeks... or there may be nothing for him to eat !

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