Filter Leaking - Tetratec

I had exactly the same problem a few months ago with my tt ex700. I did all the usual things around replacing the O-ring and greasing it up but nothing worked. Believe you me, i know what your going thru :shout:

I went onto tt website and filled out the on line form and a couple of days later got a call fm someone in Germany.

They agreed to send me out a new motor head and once that was fitted the leaked stopped. I never really understood why or how the motorhead could be faulty but once replaced it solved the problem.

If i were you id get back onto tetratec and insist on a new motor head for sure.

Good luck anyway.

thanks, i will do if they dont cut me off :rolleyes: It happens everytime on 30seconds :unsure: While i was lubrcatin the o-rings, i tried to spot the difference between the old & replacemtn hose adapter and i couldnt find any difference!
For diss-assembling the hose addapter...

1) take the four screws out from under-neath the addapter

2) Press the lever that secures the addapter to the motor head downwards to puch the ball valves out of their mounting.

3) Rotate the lever 90 degrees and pull the assembly (I'll refur to this as the dufer-watsit) out of the plastic surround thingy-watsit

4) Remove the large rings from inside the dufer-watsit

5) Remove the small rings from inside the thingy-watsit

6) Perform the ring-maitenance and then re-assemble in reverse order :good:

Hope that was clear :unsure: If not, I may post a "how to" guide next time I take one appart.

All the best
For diss-assembling the hose addapter...

1) take the four screws out from under-neath the addapter

2) Press the lever that secures the addapter to the motor head downwards to puch the ball valves out of their mounting.

3) Rotate the lever 90 degrees and pull the assembly (I'll refur to this as the dufer-watsit) out of the plastic surround thingy-watsit

4) Remove the large rings from inside the dufer-watsit

5) Remove the small rings from inside the thingy-watsit

6) Perform the ring-maitenance and then re-assemble in reverse order :good:

Hope that was clear :unsure: If not, I may post a "how to" guide next time I take one appart.

All the best

i think i get it :)
i recieved my motorhead today and it appears to of fixed the problem, i have had it setup for the past 45mins now :D
thanks to everyone's help!
I am going to have a go at fixing the other, see if anything can be done, i can take some pictures and send them to you if you like rabbut for "how to" post?

Hi, just had a go and i think my filter must be different to yours :unsure:
i found no other rubbers that need lubricating!

so i opened it up, found 4 more screws securing the prime button, unscrewed them but then nothing else to access :unsure: no more screws or anything
any ideas?
Glad to hear the new motor head fixed the issue :good: Am I right in thinking you have tried to take appart the old head? It could be interesting to see whats in there, as I've naver taken the head appart, just the hose addapter... I'm going to guess that there is a crack, hole or other form of damage somewhere in the old motor head unit if a new one fixed the leak, so if you have it in bits, have a good close look for such damage under a nice bright light. I'd say the impeller well is the most likely place for you to find such damage, as sand/grit/gravel passing through there can do a lot of damage ;)

I've got photo's of the hose addapter in pieces for a "how to" guide on those, I just have to get them off the camera and bother to write the words to go with them... I'll add it to a list of write-up's to do over the summer break from uni...

All the best
i took the whole motor head apart :rolleyes: :X lol
no wonder when you said remove 4 screws and there was actually 6 for the head - probably the reason why i couldnt get it off haha, and the fact when you said rotate 90 degrees :blink: good job i noticed them!
clearly it was something to do with the motorhead but i couldnt find anything wrong with the old one :unsure: wasnt much to it reall, although when i took the new motor head off, it released a significantly less amount of water compared to the old head!

in order:
remove 4 screws from underside

remove a further 2 screws from the top

lifts off easy this time lol. as you can see, there was the prime unit, and big black sealed case ccontaining the electrics & impeller. The rest was just open space which held all the water!

the screws attaching the prime button

removed the prime button and found this seal here, i couldnt get no further than this!


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