Gravel To Sand During Cycle...

right. The sand is washed and the gravel is out. Water still in. Already looking a bit cloudy from all the shoveling of gravel. If i empty it and put new water in will this make my cycle start again. I cant imagine being able to pour water onto sand without it all coming up and making water all sandy, does sand clog filter. Just debating weather or not to empty it
right. The sand is washed and the gravel is out. Water still in. Already looking a bit cloudy from all the shoveling of gravel. If i empty it and put new water in will this make my cycle start again. I cant imagine being able to pour water onto sand without it all coming up and making water all sandy, does sand clog filter. Just debating weather or not to empty it

The water contains NOTHING useful... so feel free to dump it, but you WILL have to add more ammonia to keep the cycle going.
You can easily add sand to water WITHOUT any clouding - providing you have rinsed it enough.
Dont forget to turn off the filter before adding sand - you dont want a single grain in there... as long as its washed properly the sand will fall stright to the bottom of the water, and you can turn the filter on after you have 'scaped it to your taste.
Well, since your cycles only just begun, id empty the tank and take the gravel out, you cant really put sand in with it full of water anyway.

You could use a nutrient rich substrate under your sand, but if you only want a couple of plants i wouldnt bother.

I changed from gravel to sand the day i changed from a fish-in to fishless cycle.

of course you can add sand whilst water is still in there..... just wash it thoroughly, and i do mean thoroughly, and when you add the sand it will drop straight to the bototm of the tank. it will still go a little cloudy but that'll just be the ultra fine dust you couldnt get rid of.
did it alright, spent ages washing it, its all good, i sucked up some random black stuff and bits of plant that was on the surface, takes a bit of sand with it but i think the sand will be easier to clean.

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