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  1. blue_betta

    Help With Id

    crowntail plakat mabey? or just a very badly chewed crown. hes very purty
  2. blue_betta

    My Poor Female!

    ive had a couple of females do this, they gte fatter and fatter and just.. burst! they have always made a full recovery with clean water and rich, but small amounts of food
  3. blue_betta

    Is My "female" Fish A Male

    sorry, didnt mean to sound rude. but also was expressing opinion on my own experiances. and i got the impressin that what was being said was "bars=female... no 2 ways about it" when i know thats not the case
  4. blue_betta

    Is My "female" Fish A Male

    ovipositer and bars mean squat on young pk/roundtail males. the owner of my local place has been trying to breed for months and keeps puting in "females" with an ovipositer and who bar up very nicely on seeing the big showey VT male. and she was convinced each of these was female because of...
  5. blue_betta

    Is My "female" Fish A Male

    dissagree... thats a male for sure. colours are waaay to vivild to be female, and look at that anal fin. its a pk or a roundtail male
  6. blue_betta

    Ive Got A New Betta..couldnt Resist

    nice find :good: what will you spawn him with?
  7. blue_betta

    New Male And Female Fish!

    absolutely 100% that is a male pk.. they are very good at hiding as females. they do very often show "breeding bars" and a "flase ovipositor", especialy when young. its very frustrating.. there seems to be a huge shortage of females in pet stores at the moment, the vast vast vast majority of...
  8. blue_betta

    I Feel A Betta Coming On......

    if you are prepared to do a bit of legwork, be patiant and are any good at telling your tailtypes apart (particularly spoting the pk males in amoung females) you will get some stunning bargins. the following fish were all pet store finds in my local area(central scotland) me showing my babies...
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  19. blue_betta

    This May Sound Stupid

    means its full of chalk. the stuff that comes out first has the chalk begin to settle and solidify, but when its running its disolved and clear
  20. blue_betta

    This May Sound Stupid

    im not sure if yoou can, but i dont see why not.... but why would you in the first place?
  21. blue_betta

    Black Cambodian Anyone?

    :lol: :lol: yeh.... im very much a photoshop newbie xD lol, well, it would be a stunner if it was possible. you get black marbles so i guess a black cambodian isnt impossible i orriginaly tried to produce it by cuting the fins from a black fish and pasting them on to a white fish, but i couldnt...
  22. blue_betta

    Black Cambodian Anyone?

    well.... what do people think?
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  24. blue_betta

    Weally Cute Piccy Of One Of My Girls Hiding

    awww so cute. i love those pots:lol: i have LOADS of them :lol:
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  26. blue_betta

    Meet Ghost!

    he is lush!!!! me likes!
  27. blue_betta

    My Bettas Dont Like Each Other!

    male and female should never be housed to gether unless breeding. occasionly you get a laid back pair who co-exist peacfuly, but this is not the norm! adding more females will not help, only you will likely end up with dead fish, and adding more males is just, well.. ####??? they are called...
  28. blue_betta

    New Vt Male

    picked up this fella in pets at home yesterday. im not normaly one for VTs (very much a PK man myself), but this guy has such nicely shaped fins and lovely markings. i breifly ahd a stunning doubletail with the same markings and he reminded me of that male. im not sure which female to pair him...
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  33. blue_betta

    Betta Simplex

    some pics, lol, took me ages to get around to downloading these, but these were taken just about an hour after the fish were introduced to the tank. this pair were getting realy realy flirty
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  36. blue_betta

    New Hmpk Boys

    that black mare is to die for :drool: thats waht im kinda working towards, in working on a black pk line, and a marble HMPK line, with the intention of eventualy working the two lines together
  37. blue_betta

    Cheap Great Tank For A Betta! Now With 2 Pics!

    the ones for £1 each? yeh id rekon so, they would be perfect if you have a way to heat them all and have the space for them
  38. blue_betta

    Cheap Great Tank For A Betta! Now With 2 Pics!

    they are good, they are only £3 each. they have two vices tho.. firstly they are slightly opaque, so although the water is crystal clear, it looks a bit murkey looking at it, but if you have a bright light, you hardley notice it. secondly, they flex when filled with water, so you need to mesure...
  39. blue_betta

    Fry First Foods

    my first ever spawn i tried to feed, rather nievely, frozen microplankton and it was useless. what it did do however was feed the infrusia(sp?) in the tank and a few fry survived to a couple of weeks, and then i only had one survive to adulthood. my second spawn i tried a little experiment, i...
  40. blue_betta

    Spawn Gone Very Strange....

    i only fed BS, but there were various tiny water creatures in the tank, i think they are some sort of fresh water copypods, they turn up in my tanks from time to time and the fry seem to eat them. it dont say on the feeding instructions to crush it, but the guy i bought it from off ebay told me...