Is My "female" Fish A Male


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2008
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the fish has an ovipositor spot and has breeding bars

i know young can disguise themselves as females when they are males, but wat do you guys think?





I wouldn't go on anal fin alone either tbh, so we've ruled out vivid colours being a factor. We are now left with anal fin pointing to male but oviposter and breeding bars pointing to female so now you have to see if it will build a nest lol
maybe trying to get it to flare, males have the extra beard

saying that ive seen some females make bubblenests
maybe trying to get it to flare, males have the extra beard

saying that ive seen some females make bubblenests

Yes they do, I honestly think there is a strain of hermaphrodite bettas out there, the amount of times this comes up with no conclusive result is shocking really
lol wheres the fun in that lol, sexy time with urself :lol: :lol:

hows ur back btw mel x
i see your point in what your both saying but im saying its female, no male of that age would have verticals when swimming next to a female, he would if he was next to a very dominent male in the other tank though as this is a sign of males who back down from a dominent male. but saying that the other one is in a submissive angle but then that could just be the timing of when the pic was taken so im still saying female, but i could be wrong as its a cross from pk with vt and this is a classic looking cross from the 2, hmmmm i would just put it in a seperate tank and observe it next to another males tank
I wouldn't go on anal fin alone either tbh, so we've ruled out vivid colours being a factor. We are now left with anal fin pointing to male but oviposter and breeding bars pointing to female so now you have to see if it will build a nest lol

ovipositer and bars mean squat on young pk/roundtail males. the owner of my local place has been trying to breed for months and keeps puting in "females" with an ovipositer and who bar up very nicely on seeing the big showey VT male. and she was convinced each of these was female because of this. one even had me fooled until she left them intogether over night and the pair were in shreds the following day. only on swaping over the male did the "female" then show it was a male.
I still think the fish on this thread is female and I based it on shape initially rather than bars, fins or spots.
blue betta, theres no need to be funny about it

the person who posted this asked, and as a group of many we are all entitled to our opinions

and in my opinion to me it looks like a female, on the basis i have a girl almost identical to that, which my lfs and i 1st thought was a pk male

turned out it was a girl, so i base my thoughts on personal experience
blue betta, theres no need to be funny about it

the person who posted this asked, and as a group of many we are all entitled to our opinions

and in my opinion to me it looks like a female, on the basis i have a girl almost identical to that, which my lfs and i 1st thought was a pk male

turned out it was a girl, so i base my thoughts on personal experience

sorry, didnt mean to sound rude. but also was expressing opinion on my own experiances. and i got the impressin that what was being said was "bars=female... no 2 ways about it" when i know thats not the case

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