This May Sound Stupid


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2008
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My friend asked me today if he could keep tropical fish in Volvic mineral water and i had no answer!

Can he? sounds quite daft if you ask me but correct me if im wrong :)
Im unsure he just came out with it, our town when you run the taps the water comes out white but then changes colour to see through after a little while :| lol
Im unsure he just came out with it, our town when you run the taps the water comes out white but then changes colour to see through after a little while :| lol

means its full of chalk. the stuff that comes out first has the chalk begin to settle and solidify, but when its running its disolved and clear
some mineral waters have chlorine added, so he would still need to use a water conditioner, but other than that, he could, but it would be very expensive.
i thought u used water conditoner ro remove excess minerals and heavy matals,,? the mineral water would be bad to even use wouldnt it?

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