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  1. Slaphppy7

    What size pump for easy water changes

    Welcome to TFF Filling the tank with the Python would be no more strenuous than using it to empty the tank (gravel vacuum), IMO
  2. Slaphppy7

    Uh oh...

    Let's be sure to keep the discussion apolitical, please That being said...cow farts shall doom us all
  3. Slaphppy7

    Uh oh...

    "The Guardian"...the British "National Enquirer"?
  4. Slaphppy7

    Can I sneak my baby jumping spider on a plane?

    You are traveling within the USA Stash him/her in your luggage, and take it home like a seashell you found It will be fine
  5. Slaphppy7

    Does anyone use under gravel filters anymore???

    Living within the UGF? What size tank was this, and how big was the UGF? How was it constructed?
  6. Slaphppy7

    Does anyone use under gravel filters anymore???

    Not with sand substrate, which is all I'll ever use.
  7. Slaphppy7

    Pest ID on venus fly trap

    Here's some good info, with pics:
  8. Slaphppy7

    How do you eat...

    I would use chopsticks...
  9. Slaphppy7

    Does anyone use under gravel filters anymore???

    Outdated, hard to maintain and keep clean, and there's much better options nowadays.
  10. Slaphppy7

    Not new, but I have been away for a long time.

    Welcome back. I run a canister and an HOB on my 40B tank.
  11. Slaphppy7

    Pest ID on venus fly trap

    Looks like aphids to me...
  12. Slaphppy7

    Will my BB survive tap water?!?

    You can avoid this situation by always rinsing filter media (sponges, ceramics, etc) in old tank water. How much of the BB in the tap-rinsed media survived can be debatable, but I never take that risk, it is much easier for me to rinse my media in a bowl of old tank water next to my tanks. If...
  13. Slaphppy7

    Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest (7-4-2023)

    I can't watch stuff like this, gives me indigestion...
  14. Slaphppy7

    Can i get some info on a fish!
  15. Slaphppy7


    Welcome to TFF
  16. Slaphppy7

    Ok... can't fix me, but maybe help my fish... GH education part 2

    That's correct, you have to supplement it with this:
  17. Slaphppy7

    Ok... can't fix me, but maybe help my fish... GH education part 2

    This is the one that most of us (in the USA, and other countries) trust and use the most
  18. Slaphppy7

    Saw this beautiful Arowana at our lps a few weeks back

    Because clueless people buy them ... already alluded to in a previous post
  19. Slaphppy7

    Not sure why my fish keep dying :(

    Welcome to TFF. Return or rehome the pleco; if it is indeed a "common" pleco, it will grow much too large (18" plus) for the tank you have Follow the directions here for fishless cycling, then decide on which soft-water fish you would like to keep for your tank size...
  20. Slaphppy7

    Rabbit snails free

    Are you wishing to close the thread, with no further comments?
  21. Slaphppy7

    Shrimps are SFW why?

    Post some clear pics of your shrimp.
  22. Slaphppy7

    For those that do...

    I heard them...until around 1 dogs were not amused
  23. Slaphppy7

    mrs shrimp.

    That is indeed a berried female.
  24. Slaphppy7

    Geophagus and sand sifting

    Let's keep the conversation here civil and polite, please.
  25. Slaphppy7

    Pre cycled filter media

    I clean my Aqua Clear filters monthly: About the self-priming: If you remove the intake pipe before lowering the tank water (during a water change), the filter will remain full of water, and will self-prime upon...
  26. Slaphppy7

    Roma 240 slow burn...

    Very, very nice...glad to hear the health issues have seem to subsided, as well Those in the above vid are displaying sparring behavior, which usually precedes mating behaviors, is my guess [VIDEO]
  27. Slaphppy7

    Problems on Guppy tank

    I would start performing weekly water changes, around 40-50% of the volume...that will help with the 'trAte issue Wait a full 24 hours between WCs and testing the water params Dirty filters are also harbors for 'trAtes, and overfeeding certainly will cause major issues with water...
  28. Slaphppy7

    Problems on Guppy tank

    How long has the tank been set up? How often do you perform water changes, and what volume do you change? Filter cleaning schedule?
  29. Slaphppy7

    How much sand?
  30. Slaphppy7

    Mystery of the disappearing fish...

    Ahhh, a theme-based tank...a very original one, at that
  31. Slaphppy7

    Mystery of the disappearing fish...

    "when / if I pull up all the mats, I may discover my 3 missing Zebra ottos???" A distinct possibility I'm not familiar with your experimental plate/moss filter setup, but try to avoid scenarios that could possibly trap live fish/shrimp/etc
  32. Slaphppy7

    New emoji request

    I have no idea what I just witnessed.
  33. Slaphppy7

    New emoji request

    Bananas don't have teeth, why would they floss?
  34. Slaphppy7

    New here

    Welcome to TFF