How much sand?


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
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East Yorks
I'm trying to work out how much sand I'd need in an 8x2x2 aquarium. It's been a long time since I did a big set up and I can't remember how much I used in my old 6 foot so thought I'd ask what you thought?

I've found some 15kg bags that I want to use - bit more expensive than play sand but I think its worth it as I like the colour, though still might check out a few more. Based on these 15kg bags I'm thinking I'll need at least 5 bags for 75kg? Which sounds like a lot! But is it enough?

pretty easy to get a cubic foot number, if you knew how many inches you wanted on the bottom but depending on the granulation & density of the material, the bags would weigh different... but if they listed the cubic foot of the volume on the bags...

I'm looking at some new gravel...

Imagitarium from Petco, through Amazon​

I know this is pretty generic, but this is what the add says

"For optimum results, use 2 lbs. of gravel per every one gallon of water"

kind of a dumb statement, when the area of the bottom SQF area is what determines that, the sides ( gallons ) is not really relative to the sand generally needed
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I used roughly 1 and a quarter bags of the quikrete playsand in my 75 gallon 4 foot tank). I am about 2 in the front and about 3 inches towards the back. I might be adding a little more throughout before I add my fish.

Gives you an idea
Thanks everyone thats really helpful!

@Magnum Man on that calculation I'd need 99kg which works out at 6.6 bags

@powerdyne6 do you know how big those bags are? I'd guess I'd basically need 2.5-3 bags based on that?

@Slaphppy7 good calculator! Could be a good one to add to ours? Using the Up Aqua Sand on their drop down they are saying I'd need 22 5kg bags to get 2.5 inch depth or just over 7 15kg bags.

I've got about 10kg of the sand I want to use already (used it in an other tank) so I think I might buy 5 15kg bags which with the 10 I already have gives me 95kg for this tank and see where we get to - pennies starting to pinch on this project so that feels like it makes sense at this point. 5 bags will be about £90.

It also depends on how thick the sand layer must be. That's for everyone personally to decide. For there are people who just want to have a thin layer of sand and where there are no plants to put in the sand. Even some of my tanks have a very thin layer of sand, gravel or substrate.
Thanks everyone thats really helpful!

@powerdyne6 do you know how big those bags are? I'd guess I'd basically need 2.5-3 bags based on that?

Hi Wills

Those are 25kg bags (so roughly 55 pounds)

But like was mentioned in this thread it will depend on how thick you want to go
I think I want to go quite thick with it, to help cover up any egg crate or the like under the rocks - I know it will get dug out but some attempt to keep it would be good. I put into the calculator Slaphppy shared at 3 an 2.5 inches deep and it was saying 7-11 bags which I might end up doing but might wait and see. I've just seen some simple coral sand that is quite a bit cheaper than I was looking at that would be beneficial and something I could mix to get the colour I want.

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