Baby Amano Shrimp


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Aug 18, 2022
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I bought 6 or 7 (adult) Amano shrimp a few months ago from a local store with no ideas or hopes of them breeding. However, within the last week I've found 3 tiny/baby Amano shrimp.
I've read that Amano shrimp are one of the hardest shrimp species to breed, so I'm a little surprised. My tank is strictly freshwater, and I thought Amanos required brackish water for breeding.

I was wondering if anybody has any ideas how this happened, if anybody else has had this experience, or maybe if this is just more common than I originally thought?
I bought 6 or 7 (adult) Amano shrimp a few months ago from a local store with no ideas or hopes of them breeding. However, within the last week I've found 3 tiny/baby Amano shrimp.
I've read that Amano shrimp are one of the hardest shrimp species to breed, so I'm a little surprised. My tank is strictly freshwater, and I thought Amanos required brackish water for breeding.

I was wondering if anybody has any ideas how this happened, if anybody else has had this experience, or maybe if this is just more common than I originally thought?
Is it still in a larvae stage?? I would be very surprised if they manage to actually survive to adult-hood but maybe its a possibility.
What are your water parameters? Do you add anything other than dechlorinator to the water?
And would you mind if we saw a picture of the aquarium?
Amano eggs hatch to a planktonic larval stage rather than miniature adults as with other shrimps. These larvae, as far as anyone knows, feed on microscopic algae and need salt water to survive.

There are several species of shrimp mis-sold as amanos and if yours have hatched to miniature adults it is likely you don't have actual amanos. Can you post photos of your shrimps for a definite ID, please?

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Can you post photos of your shrimps for a definite ID, please?

The baby is in the red circle

Is it still in a larvae stage?? I would be very surprised if they manage to actually survive to adult-hood but maybe its a possibility.
What are your water parameters? Do you add anything other than dechlorinator to the water?
And would you mind if we saw a picture of the aquarium?
Be surprised Rocky998! I too, (among Cardinal Tetras and other dither fish), have ONLY Amano shrimp in my community 200L freshwater tank. I started the tank as an aquascape project in April. Since then, I have purchased 5 Amano shrimp. I am 100% positive that they are indeed Amano. Today, I started dismantling the aquascape that was HEAVILY planted and doing well. I wanted to change the design. As the tank began to clear again, I noticed movement on the Amazonia 2 Aqua Soil. 4 Juvenile Amano shrimp! I was astonished! I have read at length about the breeding of these shrimp and decided that it would be too difficult for me to do this.

The shrimp had another idea, apparently. So.........some answers, please. How can this have happened without the eggs being introduced into salt water?

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