Pest ID on venus fly trap


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Apr 2, 2021
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Can someone help please? It's still a baby that I got from my father-in-law, I've had severe warnings not to kill it 😅 it's growing well but it's got these on a couple of the leaves...

It's about as clear as my camera could manage I'm afraid, they're tiny. I tried to do a Google image search but it wasn't throwing anything out...any ideas please? And then how to get rid of them!
almost looks like a mite... do they fly??? I've had white flies on my plants before... they most look like mealy bugs, from your pictures...

if they are mealy bugs...
if there is webbing, then Spider Mites,,, most likely one of the 3... but you may have different bugs than I get here in the US
I haven't noticed them flying...I can't even see them moving to be honest 🤷‍♀️
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spider mites or aphids but need some footage and a macro pic, which the camera is having trouble doing
Hmm...they may be aphids. I used a wet common bud to rub off as many as I could and I did see some typical green aphids 🤔 how can I stop them coming back?
ladybug or spray them with soapy water. Just wet your hands and lather some soap on them, then drip or wipe the soapy stuff on the aphids. It kills them and you can rinse the plant off 30 minutes later if you want.

you can also tap them into a tank for the fish to eat

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