Uh oh...

🫣 fish and a dog here...although she's fed predominantly dry food so that maybe slightly better for the environment? 😬
Yea and guess what else… People breathe out CO2 and there’s 7.5 billion of us. And yet, we don’t make carbon or oxygen. It’s been here, it’s just a carbon cycle that gets used and reused, recycled endlessly. Sometimes carbon combines with oxygen, sometimes not, and all of a sudden some people decided CO2 and everything (one) that makes it is the enemy. Trees need CO2, if you get rid of everything that makes CO2, there would no animals, no trees, it would be a dead planet. What do they want now, for us to get rid of all pets and animals before they go after humans? This is how we save the planet now? Does the insanity ever end??
In The Guardian...

What a crock of crap. Yeah go ahead and pick the highest numbers possible to make it more entertaining for their readers. People do way more damage to the environment and the newspaper's computers and lighting and building (including making the building and heating it, as well as decorating it) would use a heck of a lot more resources and release a lot more CO2 than any fish tank. And they fail to take into consideration a lot of tanks have plants in and those plants use CO2. And most places in the UK have insulated houses, which means the heating cost of the aquarium is negligible, especially when compared to the power being used to make the home comfortable for the human occupants. Then there's the issue of all the trees that were cut down to clear the land so the human dwellings could be built. Big TVs, fridges, ovens, gas hot water. Up yours newspaper.
A point is made. The article's a bit tongue in cheek, if you read it before outrage sets in. It is an attempt to start a conversation. The author is just poking us with a stick, and look at the reaction in this small sample! We're sensitive.

Our hobby, like anything done by too many humans, is bad for the planet. Commerce, and transportation do a lot of harm. We can all find things worse than what we do, and better. You have to look on the bright side. Eventually, we'll go extinct and the planet will do fine without us. In the meantime, we're wrecking the place.

It's a great planet, and I'm glad I've happened. I do damage. I won't change the fundamentals, but I do try to do as little harm as I can manage. I've got my fishroom, which is very weird if you think about it, but it's set up to be energy efficient in its technology, fish choice and plant choice. I can see an island out in the bay here, and I guess I could go live like a 12th century Christian monk on it, but there's a numbers problem as there aren't enough rocky islands compared to how many people would have to do that. So I try to use my intelligence to reduce my footprint.

If a journalist wants to poke me with a stick or troll me, that's fine. We need reminders.

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