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  1. billy0510

    Reverse Osmosis Question

    Well were do i start?? First of all my house does have a meter and i pay for every drop i use most of the time but the water co. does estimate a few months but when they do check the meter the difference is made up. The wasted water in our town goes into the rain sewers and treated and put...
  2. billy0510

    Fish Stockin, 10 Gal

    Ive tried the crabs in my 10 gal thay always seem to escape and make a snack for my dog. just make sure with crabs u seal the holes in the top of the tank they love to climb. My daughters 10 gal have 4 corys and 5 fancy guppies.
  3. billy0510

    Filtering Time

    I have the same filter in my 10gal and its totally fine. I also think u should read the pinned articles this information helps alot of beginners who r new to the hobby. Im not new at fish keeping just new to this site, and this site still helps me tremendously. Dont be afraid to ask...
  4. billy0510

    Reverse Osmosis Question

    What do u mean they waste 4 parts?? Do you mean it uses 4 gallons to make 1 gallon??? I just moved into the area and my lfs informed me of this ammonia in the tap, so i tested it and yes there was a little sometimes 1 ppm. So illegal or not its there.
  5. billy0510

    Reverse Osmosis Question

    i have been debating on investing in a reverse osmosis system for easier water changes since i would plumb it right to my tank and to the kitchen sink for drinking water. just wondering pros and con (if any) about using the same house setup for my tanks. I also have about 1 ppm of ammonia...
  6. billy0510

    Apisto And Rams

    125gal lots of extra filtration ph 7.8 (constant Tap) semi hard water 10% wc twice a week Changing my present tank and was wondering 1. is it possible to strictly have apisto and ram species in one tank 2. how many in this setup 3. will one breeding pair per spieces be ok I really like my...
  7. billy0510

    What R These Things?

    yea i am pretty sure its ich, White spots on three fish well now two the one i lost got red blotches and alot of gravel rubbing. i now think its under controll been treating for a week and a half. still confused on the little flea looking things
  8. billy0510

    Want To Change My Tank Any Suggestions

    :shifty: well currently i have: 1 green severum 1 large plec 1 elec blue peacocks 2 red jewel 2 red tailed sharks 2 other chiclids ? on speices I am letting my tank slowing die off i havent added a new fish in about a year and a half. ive been waiting to put a new hard wood floor in and since...
  9. billy0510

    What R These White Things

    i see thanks but wre do they come from?? ive never heard of them before
  10. billy0510

    What R These Things?

    no i havebt really changed anything. i have been letting my tank dwindle down to about 10 fish (all african chiclids in a 125 gal) but thats the only change
  11. billy0510

    What R These White Things

    :crazy: ive noticed over the past few days that these little white flea looking things r floating in my tank. they just stay on the suface and dont actually go in the water. They move around and jump almost like a flea, HELP IM BEING INVADED. About a week age i noticed a few fish had what i...
  12. billy0510

    What R These Things?

    ive noticed over the past few days that these little white flea looking things r floating in my tank. they just stay on the suface and dont actually go in the water. They move around and jump almost like a flea, HELP IM BEING INVADED. About a week age i noticed a few fish had what i thought...
  13. billy0510

    Test Kits

    im going to be gone for about three months with work so i am hoping everything goes well, I do believe my wife can handle the drops but shes afraid of messin it up. I did see a ph digital pen didnt know how they work but might give it a shot. i also seen a tds (Total Dissolved Solids Tester)...
  14. billy0510

    Test Kits

    i was wondering if anyone knew of a easier way of testing water peramiters than the water test tubes with drops. My wife will be looking after my fish tank and she cant seem to get the dropper thing right. Ive heard of the strips and also heard of digital testers, is there such a thing and by...