Reverse Osmosis Question


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2007
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ottawa illinois
i have been debating on investing in a reverse osmosis system for easier water changes since i would plumb it right to my tank and to the kitchen sink for drinking water. just wondering pros and con (if any) about using the same house setup for my tanks. I also have about 1 ppm of ammonia occasionally from my tap which causes soom concern since i do 20% wc weekly. I have read about RO system and all the tds's from the water but not to much metion of ammonia. Was wondering if it will help to eliminate my ammonia spike.
ive got an ro unit and they rid the water of all the nasties but if i was on a water meter or half way up a mountain (slight exaggeration, but you're got to think about water pressure) i wouldn't have got one
It will remove lots of things, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphates, TDS and bring your PH to near 7.

I had one and they wast normally around 4 parts of water to make 1 part of pure water. Would be worth having if you have ammonia out of your tap but i'm pretty sure ammonia from a house tap is illegal :no:
What do u mean they waste 4 parts?? Do you mean it uses 4 gallons to make 1 gallon??? I just moved into the area and my lfs informed me of this ammonia in the tap, so i tested it and yes there was a little sometimes 1 ppm. So illegal or not its there.
Yep normally around 4 gallons for a 1 gallon of RO water. You can store the waste water for watering the garden etc.

I'd speak to your water company as they shouldn't be providing you water with ammonia in it :no:
i have been debating on investing in a reverse osmosis system for easier water changes since i would plumb it right to my tank and to the kitchen sink for drinking water. just wondering pros and con (if any) about using the same house setup for my tanks. I also have about 1 ppm of ammonia occasionally from my tap which causes soom concern since i do 20% wc weekly. I have read about RO system and all the tds's from the water but not to much metion of ammonia. Was wondering if it will help to eliminate my ammonia spike.
Ro water, is devoid of almost every thing except H2O, so you will need to replace all the lost minerals, and other beneficial things water normally carries. however we live in the real world. unless you have a saltwater setup, there are few reasons to use it. a ratio of 5-1 is on the point of criminal waste! if i were on your street i would insist you had a water meter fitted. at least you would have to pay for your waste.

and we have yet to hear a good reason to use it on a freshwater setup.
a ratio of 5-1 is on the point of criminal waste! if i were on your street i would insist you had a water meter fitted. at least you would have to pay for your waste.

My RO unit wastes far less than the water companies do, so I can live with it.
a ratio of 5-1 is on the point of criminal waste! if i were on your street i would insist you had a water meter fitted. at least you would have to pay for your waste.

My RO unit wastes far less than the water companies do, so I can live with it.

two wrongs dont make a right!
there are people who live on the same street as me and they have asked and got a meter fitted. they are widowed, live on their own and now they pay a lot less for their water than i do. its about choice. i wouldn't be happy to have it forced on me
there are people who live on the same street as me and they have asked and got a meter fitted. they are widowed, live on their own and now they pay a lot less for their water than i do. its about choice. i wouldn't be happy to have it forced on me
i quite agree, but if you waste water at the rate of 4 for 1 you should pay for it!
Its not about waste, surely its demand.
Here in the south theres more houses being built all the time, in my small town alone prob around 500 homes in the last few years and they have been told to build about another 700 I think.
No extra water sources have been sorted and surely that "wasted water" only ends up back in water table or evapourated to fall later as rain.
There is no more or less water around than when time began so supply the demand should be priority.
Sore topic for me we have only just come off hose ban, that will must possibly be back on by June.

My wife says I am getting like Victor Meldrew
Its not about waste, surely its demand.
Here in the south theres more houses being built all the time, in my small town alone prob around 500 homes in the last few years and they have been told to build about another 700 I think.
No extra water sources have been sorted and surely that "wasted water" only ends up back in water table or evapourated to fall later as rain.
There is no more or less water around than when time began so supply the demand should be priority.
Sore topic for me we have only just come off hose ban, that will must possibly be back on by June.

sorry its just my opinion. and RO units are covered by the hosepipe ban! people can do as they wish. but for me they are waistful, and anyone using one should pay for their choice. and IMO should be the first to be stopped, when things get hard.
sorry its just my opinion. and RO units are covered by the hosepipe ban! people can do as they wish. but for me they are waistful, and anyone using one should pay for their choice. and IMO should be the first to be stopped, when things get hard.

If I had to use tapwater in my tank, it could easily kill the fish it's so full of crap.

Is that fair?

Thames Water power sprayed their HQ while the hose pipe ban was on, is that fair?

They waste millions of litres of water every year, is that fair?

Besides, while the hosepipe ban was on, we used any RO waste to water the garden anyway.
sorry its just my opinion. and RO units are covered by the hosepipe ban! people can do as they wish. but for me they are waistful, and anyone using one should pay for their choice. and IMO should be the first to be stopped, when things get hard.

If I had to use tapwater in my tank, it could easily kill the fish it's so full of crap.

Is that fair?

Thames Water power sprayed their HQ while the hose pipe ban was on, is that fair?

They waste millions of litres of water every year, is that fair?

Besides, while the hosepipe ban was on, we used any RO waste to water the garden anyway.

if you have saltwater, then maybe. if your are freshwater, then no way. you are wasteing OUR water supply with no reason. there is no water on the uk mains that is so bad it cant be used for fresh fish! if you feel your water supply is that bad, you are ether missinformed or very easely lead. which ever if you choose to use RO you should be made to pay for it, and be the first to lose the privalage in times of drought.
that is my opinion.

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