Filtering Time


New Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Miami, Fl
hey everybody, I have a penguin 100 bio-wheel power filter. It says it filters 100 gph for up to a 20 gallon aquarium. I use it on my 10 gallon aquarium that I set up about 4 days ago. It has no fish, but I added some bacteria from a bottle by Cycle. I have a piece of drift wood and some java ferns, but I don't know how long I should run it daily so I don't disturb anything in the tank. Any suggestions?
That filter is way to big for a 10 gallon/ 30 liter tank. Have you learnt about the nitrogen cycle? The filter helps grow bacteria which consumes ammonia (fish waste). That then produces nitrite, which is also consumed by bacteria. That produces nitrate which is consumed by plants and removed by water changes. The filter must always be on so they bacteria can continually consume waste products. The filter doesn't just remove visible waste, it removes invisible waste.
I have the same filter in my 10gal and its totally fine. I also think u should read the pinned articles this information helps alot of beginners who r new to the hobby. Im not new at fish keeping just new to this site, and this site still helps me tremendously. Dont be afraid to ask questions. A stupid question is one thats not asked.
That filter is way to big for a 10 gallon/ 30 liter tank. Have you learnt about the nitrogen cycle? The filter helps grow bacteria which consumes ammonia (fish waste). That then produces nitrite, which is also consumed by bacteria. That produces nitrate which is consumed by plants and removed by water changes. The filter must always be on so they bacteria can continually consume waste products. The filter doesn't just remove visible waste, it removes invisible waste.
way too big for 10g??????? no such thing! i,ve never come across any proof that you can over filter. i have a 600ltr capacity filter on a 180ltr tank. and i have a very healthy and very happy group of residents.
The main problem really is the current that the filter causes. When my filter didn't have a spray bar my fish were being blown around in circles.
The main problem really is the current that the filter causes. When my filter didn't have a spray bar my fish were being blown around in circles.

try to adjust the output pipe see what difference that makes to the flow.

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