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  1. J

    Tank Upgrade

    Thanks will look them up now
  2. J

    Tank Upgrade

    Thanks, i have just added another 5 tetras while the tank is cycled fully. The rest will be slowly over a couple of months. Aren't cichlids aggresive? I used to have 2 blue rams but I'm sure they used to chase the other fish. Are these classed as dwarf cichlids?
  3. J

    Tank Upgrade

    Hello again, after using this site a year ago to get help setting up my 69ltr tank I thought i'd come back to pick your brains. So it started a year ago, I spent around 8 weeks cycling my tank with ammonia and added 6 male guppies and 10 neon tetras. As much as I loved the tank I wanted a bigger...
  4. J

    Male Guppy - Very Fat, Looks Pregnant?!

    thank you, will do so when i next feed the tank
  5. J

    Male Guppy - Very Fat, Looks Pregnant?!

    Thank you, when you's say pea, do you mean a regular green pea? lol, sounds thick but just checking there isn't something out there for fish called pea!!
  6. J

    Male Guppy - Very Fat, Looks Pregnant?!

    Thanks but i dont have a spare tank to seperate him at the moment, should i take him to my lfs?
  7. J

    Male Guppy - Very Fat, Looks Pregnant?!

    Hi, I'm just after a bit of advice, I have 7 male guppies in my tank but one of them looks like its either about to give birth or explode! It has gradually got worse over the past week or 2. Is there an illness where they get really bloated? Thanks
  8. J


    Yes i have plants in my tank. I follow the instructions to the letter, Shaking bottle 2 for 30 secs and the test tube for 1 minute. Guess my plants are eating it up, not complaining though!
  9. J


    My tank went into the final stage of the cycle the day after I last posted. I finally got nitrites processing in 12 hours. I tested for 3 days to be sure before stocking up my tank. The thing that is confusing me is the nitrates. They were 20ppm when I tested a couple of days ago so completed a...
  10. J


    these results are exactly 12 hours after dosing with ammonia PH 7-7.2 Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite somewhere between 2-5ppm Nitrate goin off the chart again, somewhere between 80-160ppm thanks
  11. J


    Ok thanks will be patient for a little longer and up the temp tonight
  12. J


    8.2 was from the tap when i first set up, although when i completed my water change and tested PH again it was still 7.4.
  13. J


    I dose up to 4ppm with ammonia at 8pm every day. My nitrate levels are currently low as i did a complete water change on friday as my tank was looking rather dirty. Before the water change my nitrates were seriously off the charts and had been for around 3-4 weeks. Will my plants be ok with the...
  14. J


    My temp is 26, reduced it after three weeks as advised by someone else. My filter is interpet which came with the tank, not sure one the media. No air stones but strong pump which disturbs the surface alot
  15. J


    Ok so i'll start from the beginning........ I started adding bottled ammonia to my tank on the 24th August, my nitrite spike happened around 2 weeks into the cycle and my ammonia was being processed in 12 hours 3 weeks into the cycle. Since then I have been patiently waiting for my nitrite to...
  16. J

    Feeding Glass Catfish

    I had these in my old juwel tank. Only ever came out when food was around! I used to feed blood worm once a week and the rest of the week they just ate the flakes i put in for the rest of the tank.
  17. J

    Is This Normal During Cycling?

    Hi, new question. My PH is slowly dropping as i'm waiting for the final stage of the cycle. Its gone from 8.2 to around 7.2/7.4. Is this ok? I know if it crashes to 6 it will stall the cycle. So do I need to I act now or hang on until it gets lower? I've heard of using baking soda? My tap water...
  18. J

    Is This Normal During Cycling?

    Started on the 24th september, will probably just leave the plants in until the cycle has completed and put new ones in ready for the fish
  19. J

    Is This Normal During Cycling?

    I'm dosing it up to 4ppm every 24 hours, it has dropped back to 0ppm every 12 hours. Nitrites are taking around 18 hours to drop to 0ppm, after 12 hours there 4ppm. Nitrates are well off the chart
  20. J

    Is This Normal During Cycling?

    I'm back again with another question..... I've been cycling my tank now for around 4 weeks, I think i'm in my final stage. My nitrite spike happened around 7 days ago and is currently taking around 18 hours to drop to 0ppm. My nitrates have been off the chart since the spike. So i'm just waiting...
  21. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    Thanks. thinking of getting 8 of the dwarf corys to start. Will there be enough ammonia being produced if i only put 8 of these in at the start? I was told on another thread its best to fully stock up after the cycle. I will try and look up oldman47's thread on the pygmys.
  22. J

    Stupid Question...

    I put mine on the outside of the tank and just used cellotape?
  23. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    PH has slightly dropped to 7.6 from around 8.2. So will keep an eye on this daily now. Nitrates are off the chart for the first time so all looking good. Im thinking of getting Hengels rasbora's as suggested on this site, most likely a 6 or 7 shoal. Pygmy Cory's for the bottom of the tank? Not...
  24. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    Thanks WD, so i just tested my nitrites again today and its finally at 0ppm! Yey! So will keep testing every 12 hours. Im guessing nitrites probably wont process in 12 hours for maybe another week? Starting to get excited now, this has been one drawn out process but deffinately worth the wait...
  25. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    Ive just done my 24 hour test and my nitrite stayed at 1ppm for about 1 minute before changing to over 5ppm. Does this mean it is starting to fall? As usually it goes dark purple before i even shake the test tube.
  26. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    Yes that makes sense, will stop adding ammonia every 12 hours and only add at the 24 hour mark. Had a feeling I was adding too much, might take a little longer now for my nitrites to drop with the double ammonia dosing. Nitrites are currently way off the chart and my PH last night was still...
  27. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    Hi, just an update and question. My tank has been processing ammonia in 12 hours now for 3 days and i am waiting for my nitrite spike to ease. Should i be dosing with ammonia every 12 hours when it is 0ppm or still every 24 hours? I'm currently dosing every 12 but not sure if this is correct? Thanks
  28. J

    Starter Fish?

    Thanks for the suggestions, will look them all up and have a read about them. Starting to wish i got a bigger tank but no where to put one!
  29. J

    Starter Fish?

    Thanks Miss Wiggle, that all makes sense now! Not too sure on other fish, need to research smaller ones that i will be able to get from LFS. I like tiger barbs but they grew really big in my last tank so will stay away this time. Any ideas on ones which won't grow much bigger than 1 inch and i...
  30. J

    Starter Fish?

    If it would be safe to do so I would add 6 at once, just wasn't sure if it was best to add little at the start? This is my first time doing the fishless cycle, I was very inexperienced in my first tank and believed the LFS when he said i could add fish straight away and obviously lost half the...
  31. J

    Starter Fish?

    Hi everyone, thanks for the help so far. As im half way through my fishless cycle I have started visiting LFS's looking at fish. As i only have a 48ltr tank i am looking for smaller fish that dont grow too big. I like neon tetras as i had a big group in my old 180lrt tank and they looked...
  32. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    No i used the regular PH, Just used high PH test and i would say its somewhere between 8.2 and 8.4, so on track there! Its a strange colour, hard to match it up exactly. What do you mean by waterdrop? Thanks for the help
  33. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    Thanks for the replies. I have just tested my PH and it is currently just off the chart, would guess at 7.8 or 8? Is this ok? Yes i am using API testing kit so have no idea where my nitrite actually is!!
  34. J

    Update Of Cycle, Am I Doin Ok?!

    Day 7 of cycle, reading as follows Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate 24/9 0ppm 0ppm n/a 25/9 4ppm 0ppm n/a 27/9 4ppm 0ppm n/a 29/9 4ppm 1ppm n/a 1/10 2ppm 2ppm 5ppm 2/10 0.5ppm 5ppm 20ppm I...
  35. J

    White Algae During Cycle?

    Thanks for the link, that is exactly what is in my tank, will wash it off before i start adding my first fish it if hasn't gone by then, thanks again
  36. J

    White Algae During Cycle?

    Thank you, at least i know its working!
  37. J

    White Algae During Cycle?

    I'm currently cycling my tank and introduced pure ammonia on saturday. My Nitrite has just started to go up and i am testing daily. However today when testing my water i noticed a white/clear coloured algae all over my suckers holding my heater in place. Is this just part of the cycling process...
  38. J


    Thanx, long wait ahead then!!
  39. J


    Hi, i'm new to this site but not to fish keeping. I'm currently setting up a 48ltr tank after regretting getting rid of my 160ltr one. When i first got my 160 tank I cycled my water with fish, for obvious reasons i'm not doing that this time and chose fish-less cycle. My tank is set up and have...