Tank Upgrade


New Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Hello again, after using this site a year ago to get help setting up my 69ltr tank I thought i'd come back to pick your brains. So it started a year ago, I spent around 8 weeks cycling my tank with ammonia and added 6 male guppies and 10 neon tetras. As much as I loved the tank I wanted a bigger one, so treat myself to a 130ltr tank. I have cycled once again, speeded this up using water from my original tank and transfered all my fish into the new tank which they love the extra space. The question I have is if the fish I want to add will be ok. I plan on making the neons numbers up to 15 as I love the affect they have in a shoal, 8 rummy nose tetras and 8 harlequin rasboras. I have just bought one otto but since read that they need bigger numbers so will be getting another 2? Any advise and ideas would be great
What you suggest is fine, although I would increase neon numbers to 20 and add 5-10 Otos instead (then think about adding a pair of dwarf cichlids), because I think fewer species is nicer. Otherwise, go either for 10 rummy nose tetras OR 10 harlequins and increase neons to 15 and 5 Otos. (Stocking slowly.)
Thanks, i have just added another 5 tetras while the tank is cycled fully. The rest will be slowly over a couple of months. Aren't cichlids aggresive? I used to have 2 blue rams but I'm sure they used to chase the other fish. Are these classed as dwarf cichlids?
Some cichlids are, some not so much.. kinda just like how some tetras are horrid fin nippers, others aren't. I think 1m 2f Apistgramma cacatuoides or A. agasizzii would be fine and should not cause any problems, but I would add all other fish before considering them. Blue rams are nice, but can be a bit picky and mine have always ignored other species.

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