White Algae During Cycle?


New Member
Sep 23, 2010
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I'm currently cycling my tank and introduced pure ammonia on saturday. My Nitrite has just started to go up and i am testing daily. However today when testing my water i noticed a white/clear coloured algae all over my suckers holding my heater in place. Is this just part of the cycling process? Im guessing it may have something to do with my heater being turned up while cycling as its only on my filter suckers. Any advice appreciated, thanx
I'm currently cycling my tank and introduced pure ammonia on saturday. My Nitrite has just started to go up and i am testing daily. However today when testing my water i noticed a white/clear coloured algae all over my suckers holding my heater in place. Is this just part of the cycling process? Im guessing it may have something to do with my heater being turned up while cycling as its only on my filter suckers. Any advice appreciated, thanx

Hi there, that's beneficial bacteria that are multiplying and usually exist as a thinner film when the tank is mature. It tends to cover heater suckers and filter internals. Expect a natural earthy smell that's not unpleasant as the tank matures.
I'm currently cycling my tank and introduced pure ammonia on saturday. My Nitrite has just started to go up and i am testing daily. However today when testing my water i noticed a white/clear coloured algae all over my suckers holding my heater in place. Is this just part of the cycling process? Im guessing it may have something to do with my heater being turned up while cycling as its only on my filter suckers. Any advice appreciated, thanx

i think you will find that it is a harmless fungus that is living
on the releasing agent which is left over after the molding process
from the making of the suckers i wouldn't worry about it all you need
to do it it rinse of in warm water it just looks a bit unsightly i have put a
link up that might help http://forum.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/showthread.php?t=64022
Thanks for the link, that is exactly what is in my tank, will wash it off before i start adding my first fish it if hasn't gone by then, thanks again

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