Male Guppy - Very Fat, Looks Pregnant?!


New Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Hi, I'm just after a bit of advice, I have 7 male guppies in my tank but one of them looks like its either about to give birth or explode! It has gradually got worse over the past week or 2. Is there an illness where they get really bloated? Thanks
Yes its called bloat and can be fatal.

I think it is similar to constipation.

Try starving said guppy for a few days, feeding the occasional boiled, deshelled pea.
Thanks but i dont have a spare tank to seperate him at the moment, should i take him to my lfs?
You dont need to separate him into a different tank, you could just buy a breeder net, theyre about £5 and put him in there when the rest of the tank gets fed, and then feed him his own pea in there.
Thank you, when you's say pea, do you mean a regular green pea? lol, sounds thick but just checking there isn't something out there for fish called pea!!
Yes just a regular fresh pea, make sure you take the shell off because otherwise they cant eat it :) oh and boiled aswell for two or three minutes :)
thank you, will do so when i next feed the tank

This ia a strange male guppy i had a few years back, it's called a "mule" being both male and female.
When the fish died, i did open it to find 20 fry!
This ia a strange male guppy i had a few years back, it's called a "mule" being both male and female.
When the fish died, i did open it to find 20 fry!

Wow I never even knew you could get he/she fish lol :lol:

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