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  1. Brightestdai

    Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!

    Well I found someone that will take her, all the stores here said to kill her but I just can't do that. I have let the person know that it is aggressive and she'll be put into a tank with only loaches :) Thanks guys for all your help :)
  2. Brightestdai

    My Gourami Growing Very Fat

    Most def Dropsy, u should only clean tank every 2 weeks not every week. Being too clean can cause stress and interfere with levels in the tank
  3. Brightestdai

    Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!

    I don't know if this will work? Ok, it worked lol. I couldn't get a good pic of her other side, which has more horizontal lines
  4. Brightestdai

    Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!

    Ok I will get the app
  5. Brightestdai

    Leucistic Opaline Gourami

    Well she died :'( but thanks for the help
  6. Brightestdai

    Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!

    I only have a couple gourami, 1 angel left, 3 neons and a pleco and the 3 loaches. I don't know how to upload a pic, I use my cell to access the forum
  7. Brightestdai

    Neon Tetra Bully

    I have had this problem too. Since I couldn't put anymore fish in my tank I ended up putting the bully fish into Isolation. All I did was get a new/ clean Tupperware container and cut tiny holes all over it, put into tank and let it float. Try and catch your bully fish an put him in there. Only...
  8. Brightestdai

    Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!

    The tank they're in is 50 gallon, and I'm 100% positive it's hybrid. It has some Y lines and O's on the top and bottom of the Y's then it has horizontal lines going across its body. I've never ha a problem with the loaches until I got this one
  9. Brightestdai

    Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!

    Honestly, I didn't even know it was a hybrid when I bought it. I figured it out when it got bigger, and the aggression started showing.
  10. Brightestdai

    Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!

    Hi there I have 3 yoyo loaches 1 of which is part spotted loach. Since getting this hybrid loach my tank has been CHAOS. This 1 little loach has killed 5 of my other fish ( blue gourami and Angels) Is there anything I can do? The store I bought it won't take or trade for it. Thanks
  11. Brightestdai

    Gouramis - More Than One?

    U can have more than one species of gourami as long as the tank is big enough. 1 male to 2-3 female for all gourami. Stay away from kissing and paradise gourami they do not do well with others. Make sure u have tons of hiding spots for females and if you plan to breed you'll need floating...
  12. Brightestdai

    2 Male Dwarf Gouramis In A Tank

    In my personal experience you can have multiple males as long as you have enough female to go with them. Ratio should be 1 male to 2-3 female. If you're going to breed make sure there is enought floating plants so the male can build his bubble nest
  13. Brightestdai

    Adding Female(s) Dwarf Gourami To My Tank

    On the contrary to a reply on here, I have just about every breed of gourami except the real big ones. They do fine being together. In one tank I have Opline, Blue, Pearl and Drawf. I keep my tank at 82F or 28C, and yes 1 male to 2-3 female for all gourami. Stay away from the Kissing and...
  14. Brightestdai

    Leucistic Opaline Gourami

    And another new thing is she's twitching a lot. She'll be doing the back and forth thing then all of a sudden she looks like she has a shiver running down her spine
  15. Brightestdai

    Leucistic Opaline Gourami

    I always use stress coat, my fish still isn't doing good. And now my other fish are picking on her, I've put her in a medium-large container inside the tank so she won't get hurt but I have a crazy loach that somehow gets in with her. Could it be a paracite? I haven't added any new fish in a...
  16. Brightestdai

    Leucistic Opaline Gourami

    Thank you for the information! I remove the blue filter and replace it every 2 weeks, but now I'll be following your instructions. Again, thanks so much for the info :-)
  17. Brightestdai

    How Many Can I Have

    Try not to get the kissing gourami, they take the Mucus off other fishies which in turn will die. And stay away from the paradise fish/ gourami they are extremely Territorial
  18. Brightestdai

    Leucistic Opaline Gourami

    Hey, so my tank is 50 gal. It's been up and running since march of this year. I change the filter every 2 weeks and clean the black sponge looking filter as well. I do a 20-30% water change the same time I change the filter, once a month I do 75% water change. I have older opaline Gourami's but...
  19. Brightestdai

    Leucistic Opaline Gourami

    hi there, im in need of some help! i have a female leucistic(white) gourami and she's not doing too well...all she does is stay in a spot and moves back and forth with her fins. she never touches the coral or bottom of my tank, but chooses the middle. now she refuses to eat, even her fav foods...