2 Male Dwarf Gouramis In A Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 14, 2012
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Hi all

From what I've been reading 2 male dwarf Gouramis in a tank is a definite no. Is this absolutely always the case?

The reason I ask is that I bought some stock for my new 55gal (US) from a respected LFS (been in business 35 years) and having checked local fish keeping forums the owner is considered t very much know their onions and to give good advice.

He had some dwarf Gouramis - blue and red in the same tank. I asked about a couple as a centrepiece for my tank and he said they would be fine. I specifically asked about male / female mix and he said he didn't sell females but that 2 males would absolutely be fine.

The tank is quite lightly planted at the moment but building it up.

Have I been given ~(intentionally or not) bad advice here?


Danny B
I should perhaps add they are not showing any aggression to each other. When I had them temporarily in the 90l I was shutting down the blue one chased the red one a bit but once the red one was out of the way it was left alone.

Now in the 55gal (208l 48x18x15) they seem to have set up shop on opposite ends of the tank and don't cross the middle line - they both have a planted area each and will have more.


Danny B
I'll be interested in this post too, I'm a newbie with a 54 litre tank. I have three male dwarf gouramis. There is a definite pecking order. The two more dominant share all the space but there is one who's been ill with fungus and he has the space at the back of the tank among plants where he's left in peace but gets chased back there whenever he comes out in the open. I never noticed him being bullied before he got ill and perhaps that's the reason. I wonder if he recovers if there'll be any change in the pecking order.
I'll be interested in this post too, I'm a newbie with a 54 litre tank. I have three male dwarf gouramis. There is a definite pecking order. The two more dominant share all the space but there is one who's been ill with fungus and he has the space at the back of the tank among plants where he's left in peace but gets chased back there whenever he comes out in the open. I never noticed him being bullied before he got ill and perhaps that's the reason. I wonder if he recovers if there'll be any change in the pecking order.

Probably not very likely. seems like whoever the weakest gets the most picking and stays that way.

in my case its my dwarf and my biggest three spot,never anything serious but big blue just don't like the little guy near his space, quite yet
In my personal experience you can have multiple males as long as you have enough female to go with them. Ratio should be 1 male to 2-3 female. If you're going to breed make sure there is enought floating plants so the male can build his bubble nest
In my personal experience you can have multiple males as long as you have enough female to go with them. Ratio should be 1 male to 2-3 female. If you're going to breed make sure there is enought floating plants so the male can build his bubble nest

I don't have any females, just the three males. Apart from the possible territorial skirmishing they so far, get along reasonably well. One is still largely excluded from part of the tank after he had fungus but the other two although one is dominant, don't bother one another. They also leave the other one alone as long as he's not in "their" part of the tank.

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