Yoyo Loach Hybrid Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2012
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Hi there I have 3 yoyo loaches 1 of which is part spotted loach. Since getting this hybrid loach my tank has been CHAOS.

This 1 little loach has killed 5 of my other fish ( blue gourami and Angels)

Is there anything I can do? The store I bought it won't take or trade for it.

No advice on what to do right now but in the future try to avoid hybrids like this, they can be unpredictable unless there is an established population that is going steady and IMHO are a blight on the profession when allowed to breed randomly and be sold.
Honestly, I didn't even know it was a hybrid when I bought it. I figured it out when it got bigger, and the aggression started showing.
If they labelled it incorrectly you should make a very strong complaint and tell them it resulted in the death of your fish due to their mistake. If it is a chain store you could try and take it up the ladder. I am not very knowledgeable in legal terms but I'm pretty sure it will be illegal to sell something under a false description that results in your loss of money and not even take a return. People have been successfully sued for less, though this in itself is wrong and I do not condone it.
I am curious to know how you worked out that the Yo-Yo loach is a hybrid? As far as I know almost all yo-yo loaches are either wild caught or artificially bred using hormones etc, so to get a hybrid it would have to have been a deliberate crossing.
Are you sure that what you think is a hybrid is not actually just a yo-yo loach that is maturing into its mature reticulated pattern?
Sorry if my questions sound harsh but, we need them answered in order to best help you.

Other points too yo-yos are group fish and need friends of their own kind, that way to any agression displayed is confined more so within their own species group. I have always found yo-yos to be peaceful fish and happy to live along side bristle nose fry (as well as mature bristle noses), corydoras as well as cherry shrimp.

Also what sized tank did you put the three yo-yos into and what where their tank mates? Could the aggression you have seen have been due to lack of tank room or even just a yo-yos natural curiosity about its tank mates and the yo-yo basically harrassed the other fish to death, not because the yo-yo is mean but just because they are inquisitive.
The tank they're in is 50 gallon, and I'm 100% positive it's hybrid. It has some Y lines and O's on the top and bottom of the Y's then it has horizontal lines going across its body.

I've never ha a problem with the loaches until I got this one
Would you be able to post a picture of the loach in Question?

50 gallon should be plenty of room for loaches, so I guess you can rule out tank space as an issue, depending on what other bottom dwelling species are also in the tank.
I only have a couple gourami, 1 angel left, 3 neons and a pleco and the 3 loaches. I don't know how to upload a pic, I use my cell to access the forum
I dont know how to upload pictures from a phone either, but if you can get to a computer you can upload pictures to the forum using a media site such as Photo Bucket or Flicker.
If you have a smartphone with a camera you can download the photobucket app for free, make an account and upload pictures from there.

I don't know if this will work?

Ok, it worked lol. I couldn't get a good pic of her other side, which has more horizontal lines

I don't know if this will work?

Ok, it worked lol. I couldn't get a good pic of her other side, which has more horizontal lines

That is a juvenile Botia Kubotai (Polka-Dot Loach), not that aggresive normally but on it's own it could have harassed your other fish to death.
Well I found someone that will take her, all the stores here said to kill her but I just can't do that.
I have let the person know that it is aggressive and she'll be put into a tank with only loaches :)

Thanks guys for all your help :)

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