Neon Tetra Bully


New Member
May 8, 2011
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I purchased 6 neon tetra a week or so ago and paced them into my newly fish less cycled tank. I added a few plants and a piece of driftwood for decoration/hiding spots. At first they all seemed to get along and moved together as a group. After a day or two one became very aggressive and began chasing the others around. This is most prevalent around feeding time. Since, I have tried to spread the food out to divert the bully's attention so the others got some food. This has not helped the bullying problem. Any suggestions? I had considered getting another half dozen to spread out the attention, but my lfs is 2.5 hrs away and I wasn't planning on going back there for awhile.
Some chasing behavior is normal. I did also have some bullying when I had only 8, the smallest would get chased and end up hiding behind my filter. For me, I added 8 more and within a few days I didn't find any more hiding.
Totally agree. You need to add some more. I have Cardinal tetras. I first got 10. They seemed to spread out over the whole tank. I have a 55g. They didn't really group together. I went and got another 10 and they are much better in the group of 20. They stay together. I love them they are so pretty.
Thank you all for the replies. I will keep you posted when I can get a few more. Since I first posted the bullying has been less prevalent. I have increased the food amount (I was being very conservative as to not overfeed at first) and watched to make sure each one gets some food. This has seemed to alleviate the problem to some degree.
I have had this problem too. Since I couldn't put anymore fish in my tank I ended up putting the bully fish into Isolation.

All I did was get a new/ clean Tupperware container and cut tiny holes all over it, put into tank and let it float. Try and catch your bully fish an put him in there. Only have him in there for no more than 24 hours. It sometimes snaps them outta it.

Hope this helps til you can get more :)

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