Search results

  1. LeopardPerch

    Corals; Will They Work?

    my aquarium is a 90 gallon I do keep it at 80 degrees farenheit already Edit: my T5s are 48" long
  2. LeopardPerch

    Corals; Will They Work?

    Sorry, truthfully it was for more veiws. I have 4 T5s with 2 actinics and 2 10,000 k bulbs and a marineland 36-48" LEDs I have no idea on how much liverock rena xp3 filter (cleaned every two weeks) a 50 gallon HOB filter more for flow than anything my tank is a couple of days older than a year...
  3. LeopardPerch

    Corals; Will They Work?

    really? sebae anemones ive heard are just a little harder than BTAs, also my angels havent done anything to worry me. do you have any other advice? thanks
  4. LeopardPerch

    Corals; Will They Work?

    it says in the video discription
  5. LeopardPerch

    Corals; Will They Work?

    Hello, I have a reef aquarium and was wondering if these corals would work here is my aquarium and here is my Corals list 1. PULSING Xenia 2. Photosynthetic Gorgonian 3. Watermelon Chalice 4. Neon Green Candy Cane 5. Sebae anemone 6. Blastomussa 7. Acans...
  6. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    okay thanks, will do. BTW i saw a little apistasia anemone and Im freaking out because I got that piece of live rock from my 100 gallon show tank! got mushrooms for my tank, there mostly doing well (two wont stay on the LR) I really appreciate the help thanks PS I was cruising the net and I...
  7. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    I'm also planning on macro algae and maybe a mangrove pod
  8. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    What do you think of my fish list? -3 sexy shrimp -firefish -royal gramma These would be Added in this order? Also would one frogspawn also work?
  9. LeopardPerch

    Bettas, Microrasboras Or Endlers?

    Chilli rasboras are awesome, I have a school in a ten gallon with Pygmy Cory's and cherry shrimp, it's really cool and fun.
  10. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    Okay. I didn't mean to make the actual live rock I'm using sound so small. I meant a little bigger than two fists held together I'm pretty sure the sand is okay as there was a reef at the beach (literally half out of the water though and mostly macro algea)
  11. LeopardPerch

    How To Frag Zoanthids

    Thanks alot as I would really like to get into fragging soon
  12. LeopardPerch

    Can You Identify This Anemone?

    Please explain what a torch anemone is? Sorry for the sarcasm but there is no such a thing as a torch anemone, but there is a LPS torch coral
  13. LeopardPerch

    2.5 Gallon Tank, Wondering About The Stocking?

    Cherry shrimp, java moss, Pygmy chain sword would be very hard to keep in a saltwater aquarium. Though all look great in freshwater as I am doing it in a ten gallon with Pygmy Cory's, ludwigia repens, and baby tears
  14. LeopardPerch

    Nano Reef Beginner

    Really? Even In Canada we use US gallons 99% of the time. Cool Buying a used medium sized aquarium off Craigslist is really easy, cheap and speeds up the process. But it does get one less than desirable equipment. I did it though to get in the reefing hobby.
  15. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    I'll cover the tank and put the jawfish in first with lots of live rock (I'm actually going to try using dead rock with only one little tiny piece of clean live rock) it's worth a shot in my opinion. A plate coral probably won't work right? Also I forgot to mention I'm using real sand I...
  16. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    Well they can't hurt at least. Which should I add first the royal gramma or the jawfish? As both I've heard will take a territory for there own. So, the coral list -red mushrooms -pulsing Xenia -Green star polyps -Up at the top some eagle eye Zoas What do you think of these corals...
  17. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    The size is why I chose the yellowhead jawfish. Anyone else notice I chose only caribean livestock? Also I found 30 little moonlight LEDs for more lights, it's about 10" I'm going to assume this will help
  18. LeopardPerch

    Corals For A Low Light Nano

    Hello, I have a ten gallon which is empty and would love to have some more corals in it when I set It up. I plan to have a yellowhead jawfish, royal gramma, a couple of hermit crabs and a good amount of liverock. I have two 24" 20W T8's over the tank and would like some mushroom corals...
  19. LeopardPerch

    Compatibility For Kribensis

    Late reply but too put it simply, no. It is more of a max the inch fish/1 gallon of water. But with Kirby's it's more toward 1 inch of small fish per 3 gallons of water but consider how big the fish will grow. How is the tank now?
  20. LeopardPerch

    Want To Start A Planted Tank

    Cryptocoryne's are easy too
  21. LeopardPerch

    Peaceful Shoaling Fish?

    Exclamation tetras are literally less than a cm long and super cool but have only seen them once and can't find them on the Internet
  22. LeopardPerch

    Alternatives Algae Eater

    I like saimese algea eaters and cherry shrimps personally because they don't damage plants Cheers
  23. LeopardPerch

    45 Gallon Bowfront With Discus

    Hello, I have a brand new (month old) FishTanks and has been running since the day I bought it. I want the tank too be a centerpiece fishtank in my living room and would really enjoy these fish 2 discus,8 Corydoras, 1 apistogramma cacatuoides, and 6 cardinal tetras. I have Amano soil new...
  24. LeopardPerch

    Chili Rasboras And Cherry Shrimp

    Hello, I have a 40 gallon dirted, planted tank and I want to have a cherry shrimp colony and the put 6-10 chili rasboras would this work? I have soft water with a low ph 6.3-6.5 My plants are jungle Val, African water fern, wisteria, java moss/ fern, ludwigia repens, crypt wendtii, indain red...
  25. LeopardPerch

    Species Only Tank

    By the way I am probably going to put mainly ludwigia repens in this tank
  26. LeopardPerch

    Species Only Tank

    Sorry but I don't like glass cats they get to large for my taste. And chocolate gourmaris look a little delicate. Thanks though Cheers
  27. LeopardPerch

    Species Only Tank

    Thank you soooooo much for the last to sites it's kinda a thing were I must find every pet store in all of the southwestern Canada, and when I go northwestern US. I have already been to west aquaruims but thanks anyway Cheers!
  28. LeopardPerch

    Species Only Tank

    In Canada I don't know if that's quite possible.
  29. LeopardPerch

    Species Only Tank

    Thank you for all your answers I have heard of every fish other than the chili rasboras and hara jerdoni, but I apprectiated the other answers. I am on the line with either chili rasboras. Hara jerdoni, coral red pencilfish, badis badis or Dario Dario. I enjoy all of them But I can't find any of...
  30. LeopardPerch

    Species Only Tank

    Helllo, I have a 50 gallon tank that I want to set up and, I am going to dirt and plant it. What is a good species fish, I love tiny little fish, like hard to find fish that are smaller then an inch, kind of like sparkling gourmari Cheers
  31. LeopardPerch


    Try to put dirt under the gravel Search up "how to dirt a tank" on YouTube on DustinFishtanks, an awesome channel.
  32. LeopardPerch

    Wanting A New Smaller Tank - A Few Questions

    I love sparkling gourami, they do great by themselves. Or u could get like 6 coral red pencilfish I love species tanks so ya Hope it helps Cheers
  33. LeopardPerch

    Perfect Tank For A Betta

    I love bettas but had to get the sparkiling gourmaris instead, at the moment I have four but I want 6 eventually
  34. LeopardPerch

    Perfect Tank For A Betta

    I am going to actually turn this to a part time spawn tank (occasionally going to put a female in there) so I put my floating plants in and my other plants will go in soon to
  35. LeopardPerch

    How Can I Post Pictures From Tablet

    I can post videos and pics from my iPad but it took me a long time to find out and I know one else knew how so I hope it helps So first find a picture or video on the Internet (if you want to post one of your pics just put them in photobucket of something then copy the URL (like this...
  36. LeopardPerch

    Perfect Tank For A Betta

    If you watched the video the tank is dirted and I have put some better amazon swords?. And I have never found oto's to be a fish that is difficult too keep and eat whatever falls to the bottom But I do want to replace the Cory's with 1 male and 2 female chameleon fish (badis badis) Cheers P.S. I...
  37. LeopardPerch

    Perfect Tank For A Betta

    I think for tank mates I'm going to put in 3 oto's and 3 bronze Cory's
  38. LeopardPerch

    Perfect Tank For A Betta

    Thanks for replying so fast I have larger ones of this swords so I know it gets bigger I forgot to mention the tank is dirted for plant so there's dirt under the gravel but I've had temporarily some less hardy fish and there still doing fine Here is the tank a month ago all these animals and...
  39. LeopardPerch

    Perfect Tank For A Betta

    So I am setting up a 10 gallon betta tank with right now 2 small amazon swords (will move later but love the look of swords) really long rooted floating plants and a crypt. So what else could I do to to make the tank better for a betta? I think it would look nice to have only live plants and a...
  40. LeopardPerch

    Cool Fish For 70 Gallon

    no its about 20-23 degres