Species Only Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2012
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Vancouver bc
Helllo, I have a 50 gallon tank that I want to set up and, I am going to dirt and plant it.
What is a good species fish, I love tiny little fish, like hard to find fish that are smaller then an inch, kind of like sparkling gourmari
+1 to both of the above suggestions.

Also a shoal of Celestial Pearl Danios would look great, they shoal better than Chilli Rasboras.
Scarlet badis celestial pearl danioes
and hara jerdoni are all an inch they will all live happily at 22ish c

Chilli ras and sparklers would go well together. Beware of the higher temperatures they like when trying to select tankmates
Thank you for all your answers I have heard of every fish other than the chili rasboras and hara jerdoni, but I apprectiated the other answers.
I am on the line with either chili rasboras. Hara jerdoni, coral red pencilfish, badis badis or Dario Dario. I enjoy all of them But I can't find any of them anyways!
Some Class Catfish would be amazing. Or, something I've always wanted, Chocolate Gourami. They're kind of small, very relaxed, and look amazing.
Here's a few websites...

Two of these are local stores...
Thank you soooooo much for the last to sites it's kinda a thing were I must find every pet store in all of the southwestern Canada, and when I go northwestern US.
I have already been to west aquaruims but thanks anyway
these are a stunning fish, not sure ive ever seen these in england? badis celestial pearl danioes

i was getting cherry barbs, rummynose and cardinals, 7 / 12 and 12 of each accordingly but i do like the above, where could i get these from england? i live in barrow, cumbria, england.
Sorry but I don't like glass cats they get to large for my taste. And chocolate gourmaris look a little delicate. Thanks though

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