How To Frag Zoanthids


Mar 1, 2011
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Hi everyone, I just fragged my zoas for the first time. The polyps are open, so I thought I would make a guide on how I did it. Post questions, comments below. This is in steps.

1. Supplies you need.
1 pair of small tweezers
1 razor blade
Rubber gloves
Frag plug
Super glue with cyanoacrylate in it
Parent colony of zoas
Bowl of tank water
2. Taking out the parents
Put on the rubber gloves, and gently take the colony out of the tank and put it in the bowl of water.
Inspect the colony for polyps that look easy to remove. If you make a cut on one, then find out its not easy to reach, you can kill the polyp! So be careful.

Note that on the 3/4 inch plugs I put on like four heads and on the 1 inch one up to six heads. I use the plugs from Salt It costs about 7-8$ for 25 . That price is with shipping included. This guide works for all different zoa colors, but not palythoa. They are a little different. Here are some pics

<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a></a

My fragging pics
3. Fragging
Once you have found 3-4 easy to reach heads, put the super glue on the plug and spread it around. Then, its a race against time. Not because the coral is going to die, because zoas can stay out of water for around 6 hours before they die, but because the super glue dries within 3-5 minutes.. Take the razor blade and BE careful! I cut myself in the fingers. Gently cut around the bottom of the polyp. Don't cut the polyp as they can die. Just cut underneath. It is normal for them to shrivel up, just make sure you have the goggles on before you cut. Zoas can squirt a mixture of water and palytoxin when scared. This can cause temporary or permanent blindness. It depends on how bad you get hit. It happened to me. BUT, i was wearing my goggles. After you have cut a polyp, gently pick it up with the tweezers and place it on the plug. Do this with the rest of the polyps. Then, put the parents back in the bowl of water and let the glue dry. Put the parents back in the tank and find a safe place for the frag.
Expect to wait about 24 hours before the frag and the parents open up.
Congrats, you have fragged zoanthids!
Hope this helps! :good:
Can you post the pics individually using the forum IMG tags? The links and code you tried to post aren't working.
Yes i can when i made this i didnt know how to post pics but i do now



Plugs (3/4")
This is all i have for now but i will be fragging more soon,so more pics then.

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