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  1. B

    Female not interested?

    Guess what I found in his info: 5 gallon, fry rearing tank, keep fry in this tank for first month! Can't you just go buy those plastic tubs for 10 bux holds about 15 ish gallons.
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    Female not interested?

    Forget about him he won't listen to the advice so it won't matter anymore. It's a bit late isn't it?
  3. B

    Female not interested?

    Oh well, since he already released the female and they've spawned, our own choice is that the spawn goes well. If it's successful, CONGRATULATIONS!! :thumbs: but it it wasn't, well I hope you learned something ;)
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    Female not interested?

    What the heck...that's the first I've heard. Buy a pair straight from a LFS and breed them right away. Patient is a must. I mean I myself haven't breed bettas yet but in 2 months I will. During the process I will obtain everything possible, prepare for jarring, food, everything. Give the...
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    why cant i breed veiltails?

    Exactly what LoachLover said. Breeding veiltails isn't that difficult it's should you breed them. Imagine this: 100+ bettas, all veil tails, petstore I highly doubt would buy them if you plan to sell. It's you're decision. Veiltails cost only a buck at my lfs.
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    a community of girls + boy = harmony

    Actually...the agression will eventually turn on. It's pretty much inevitable. Two of my female bettas got along great for a week or so until they tried to rip each other's throat off.
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    First curled tail on betta

    ALRIGHT! Mayo is back to normal! He began to build another bubblenest the day after I did the 100% water change. His tail is not curling that much anymore :D
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    Most expensive fish ever?

    Arrowanas aren't that expensive at my lfs. I've seen flowerhorns (quite often) selling at over 1,000 USD. Even arrowanas (fully grown) doesn't even reach 200 USD
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    First curled tail on betta

    I have no clue what color Mayo is because he's one odd betta. His body is creamy but his tails and fins are different. I live in a house but I suddenly ran out of non-iodized salt so I added the almond leaves instead. At first when the caudal fin started to change to clear I thought he was...
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    First curled tail on betta

    I never cycled my tanks and the bettas have always been fine. Its been about 2 weeks since I cleaned the tank (100%) and then this happen. Very odd
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    ^-^ hehehe

    Beautiful betta! Congrats on your fish betta and hope that you will eventually catch the betta fever. I would like to see the whole fish if you can try. By the way, you might want to shrink the pic a little bit :thumbs:
  12. B

    We have a jumper.

    You could reduce the water level to ensure no more deaths. That would be the cheapest way.
  13. B

    We have a jumper.

    I feel your pain. I remember one of my female (very smart) jumped out in the middle of the night when it rained. I forgot to closed the lid and next morning she was dead :(
  14. B

    First curled tail on betta

    Will his color come back? There appears to be any signs of illness from him. The temperature is constantly 79-82 F ish. He's in a 5 gallon tank with a couple of pothos plant. He always build a bubblenest because I lessen the filter current so that he would not be thrashed around.
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    First curled tail on betta

    Mayo suddenly started to fade from opaque-ish tail to clear. His anal, dorsal, and caudal began to become clear. His anal fin is starting to curl a little bit. I just made a 100% water change and stuck half an almond leaf in there. Mayo is always happy; he blows bubblenest in tiny containers...
  16. B

    Mini spawn diary

    LOL! Males paralyzing themselves now thats the first I've heard! Very cool pics :thumbs:
  17. B

    What a Night!!!

    What an odd little betta! :thumbs:
  18. B

    I swear this tank is cursed

    A film on the surface eh? The only time I have a gas-like film on the surface is when there is almost no current (built a little current stopper so my betta won't get stressed). Yeah, you might want to bleach it but be real careful as a small amount of bleach will kill your fishy. Good luck...
  19. B

    Beanie city

    I think Bettaman put the heater inside the sump. That's just my opinion btw. GREAT FISH! :thumbs:
  20. B

    2 1/2 gallon tank with dividers

    Petco sells this 2 1/2 gallon tanks (longer than it is tall). You can easily add in dividers (built in little thingies to hold it in with) to have 4 compartments of .8 something gallon. It is made of glass. Would that be okay for 3 bettas with 1 compartment as filtration and heating? They...
  21. B

    Small heaters for your smaller tanks

    Ahh then I would definitely agree with the first one. The second one is just 5 dollars more and is SUBMERSIBLE AAAAAAAAAND 1 year warranty compare to the 90 days.
  22. B

    Small heaters for your smaller tanks
  23. B

    LFS VS Pet Store?

    IMO, the best fish stores are run by thailand and asian people. They take the best care of fish and they sell it cheap too. My lfs that is run by thailand people rocks! Their deltas, super deltas, crowns, are all under 9 bux. They also sell female bettas which is rare in southern california...
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    Why not name?

    Imagine this: 300+ bettas. Naming them all would make me insane.
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    Fighting Bettas

    Kage I totally agree with you on this subject. Fighting pit bulls and bettas are not the same thing. I've also heard about the two betta in the giant lake. It's their natural instinct to kill or be killed. I'm sure you've all heard how if one betta defeats another, the winner's line will...
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    My fish is a nut

    WhispTech I totally agree with you about your betta being mad at you. Mayo made this huge bubblenest and I had to destroy it because I was re-arranging some stuff. He wouldn't stop flaring at me. He got over it and the next day he made another one. Bettas are weird aren't they?
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    Book: Bettas and Gouramis

    The book was similiar to that but the betta was in worst shape. You know any of us can become a better author that those dudes.
  28. B

    does this sound bad

    The filter might be too strong for your betta
  29. B

    Unexpected death

    What a pretty female! It's a pity she died :rip:
  30. B

    Seconding Jim Sonnier's statement

    The female cambodian that I plan to breed with the Opaque (with black wash =/) has bright purple/red/blue tail color with a light color bodied. Should I use wait till I can buy an opaque female (saw this one site, $5 dollar female (pastel i believe) and the s/h is $15 but the problem is I dont...
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    Seconding Jim Sonnier's statement

    Dear Mr. Sonnier, In the near future, I plan to breed my opaque male delta/super delta with one of my [added light bodied] cambodian crowntail female (one of them is red tail grey rays, the other is bright purple/blue/red tail). From what I've read on forums, you should only breed opaque...
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    BREEDING Question

    Your male doesn't look a bit of a crownie to me. I think his fins were ripped and healed because thats one odd tail shape. Its really hard to determine the offspring so its sorta like trial and error.
  33. B

    Well thanks a whole bunch!

    Well its a pity I'm not allowed to drink beer :( but i'll take the milk and cookies any time :thumbs:
  34. B

    Well thanks a whole bunch!

    Got Milk? :D
  35. B

    Well thanks a whole bunch!

    Alright, we're all sorry for your lost TDD. Can we stop this accusation thing? We all have something at fault but this thread is going on forever about 'its your fault' and 'i'm sorry'. That sounded rude didn't it....
  36. B

    Well thanks a whole bunch!

    We're deeply sorry about not helping you. If physical appearance is fine, then it was probably an internal disease. But from what I heard from you, 2-4 water changes a week? That's pretty good. Did you know the age of your betta? BTW, your site, there's an error: The image...
  37. B

    Well thanks a whole bunch!

    Well I don't blame ThatDarnDragon that much for blaming us, the Betta forums, because we care more about naming our fish than helping him. I for one didn't see that post [the one about your dying fish] until I saw this accusation. But seriously ThatDarnDragon, did you check google? I mean i...
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    For anyone wanting a CT Betta

    Geez GuppyDude, isn't that a bit rude man? I mean, the guy is just trying to show us something.
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    'Funny' things at Petco

    My last visit at Petco was really...'funny' I should say. The first thing is that I saw a betta book that was known as 'best seller' and guess what was on the front page? TWO male bettas right next to each other in the same tank or container; one was pretty beat up too. The next 'funny' thing...
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    here he is

    Green Lantern...yup :D