My fish is a nut


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2004
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My fish is a nut. I get him this big ass 6 gall aquarium (its big to me ok :p ) and all he does is sit in the one corner of it in the java moss. He really like sthat stuff for some reason.


And this is all the room he has right now by himself until I add new stuff.

give him time, he'll probably be swimming around exploring once he gets more used to having so much room to himself! :)
Your tank looks beautiful! Draco used to kind of sit in the corner more of his 2.5 mini-bow when I first got him, but now he's constantly swimming around, exploring his domain and nibbling at anything interesting :wub:
Super pet actually has Crowntails? I have never seen a crowntail there! If you ever want another betta then I suggest you go to Big Al's, they have awesome bettas, that's where I get all my bettas from :nod:
I got a crowntail and a delta/crowntail from Big Al's :D and their males are only 3 bucks, females are $2.49 I think
well he had one type of beta at one spot and the crown tails and v tail i think in an other spot.

As for big al's its to far and i dont have a car (let alone a license lol) and i dont even think there is one in London.
On wellington street? By toys r us and all those stores by whiteoaks in the south end of the city?
My fish wants to be a bubble blower when he grows up :p

K so I woke up this morning and he had left me a bubble nest. I am not sure if he tried to do that in the 3 gallon or not but in this tank with the guard on the outtake of the filter for current I now have this.


I also got an other closeup of him. Like I said he likes this corner.


Now i am wondering but since last night he has been continously flairing. Is it because its a new tank and the sides are really clean or is it something else that is natural or i should worry about? he does it even when i am far away and its constant and he is always looking straight at the glass. Is it his own refelectin?
It's probably his own reflection, especially since he now has a nest up. They tend to be a little protective of their nests, even if there's nothing in it.
I think he is mad at me lol.

I messed up his bubble nest since today was a cleaning day.

But boy was cleaning sand way easier then gravel.

Also noticed that I havent seen an algae bloom with this new setup which is a good thing in my opinion. see some eggs though I think of snails.

very odd. thought you neededsnails to lay the eggs and i rtemoved all the ones i found in te old tank and washed the plants before moving into new tanke. but there they are again lol
WhispTech I totally agree with you about your betta being mad at you. Mayo made this huge bubblenest and I had to destroy it because I was re-arranging some stuff. He wouldn't stop flaring at me. He got over it and the next day he made another one. Bettas are weird aren't they?

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