Seconding Jim Sonnier's statement


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Jan 17, 2005
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Dear Mr. Sonnier,
In the near future, I plan to breed my opaque male delta/super delta with one of my [added light bodied] cambodian crowntail female (one of them is red tail grey rays, the other is bright purple/blue/red tail). From what I've read on forums, you should only breed opaque with opaque. Also, even if I did breed my opaque male with one of the cambodians,, what would the results (frys) be? Thank you for your time.

Hi Jason,
Nice to hear from you.
The Opaque trait is dominant, so if you breed an Opaque to a
non-Opaque the offspring will show an intermediate amount of Opaque.
Good luck,
Jim Sonnier

Can anyone confirm this for me before I actually breed the bettas in 2 more months?
Can't confirm it, but Jim Sonnier always seems to know what he's talking about, so I'm confident he's correct :nod:
What he's saying doesn't make sense to me. If opaque is dominant, then there is no intermediate - there's homozygous opaque, heterozygous opaque, and homozygous non-opaque. I believe he must mean that opaque is incompletely dominant, which would result in offspring that were intermediate ("in-between"), assuming the parents were homozygous opaque and homozygous non-opaque.

Don't even get me started with this whole subject, though... :shifty:
Also, even if I did breed my opaque male with one of the cambodians,, what would the results (frys) be?

The term cambodian is rather broad, what kind of cambodian? Which color? Classic cambo (red) or blue/green cambo? No red, no matter what.

He's saying you'll get dirty opaques by mixing a color back into a line that someone has worked hard on. Color or wash on an opaque is a major fault.
Difference between opaque and pastel

Hi Jason,

I agree with Jims statement. An opaque whites genetically is an Cambodian/spread iridocyte steel blue opaque non-red.
The genetic make up of the opaque White is therefore represented by: C bl Si Nr Op.
C - The cambodian gene for lack of dark body pigment.
bl - Steel blue pigment which appears silvery-white when on a light background.
Si - The spread of the iridocyte pigment, in this case steel blue over the fish.
Nr - Non-red, causes the inability to produce red pigment.
Op - Opaque, the special gene that cause the powdery appearence of the fish.

Breeding of an opaque with an cambodian will probable give you a lot of cambodian offspring which are heterozygous for the opaque factor.

Many greetings from the Netherlands,

The female cambodian that I plan to breed with the Opaque (with black wash =/) has bright purple/red/blue tail color with a light color bodied. Should I use wait till I can buy an opaque female (saw this one site, $5 dollar female (pastel i believe) and the s/h is $15 but the problem is I dont know where they're located and when the $15 dollar shipping is avaible due to seasons) for $20 bucks including s/h. Both female and male are ready to spawn (male makes huge bubblenest even without female and female flares at anything that points at her, very active when looking at male). BTW, im pretty sure he's an opaque.

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