Search results

  1. M

    reduce water changes by 75%

    not to mention the price of this thing!
  2. M

    reduce water changes by 75%

    thats what i was thinking
  3. M

    reduce water changes by 75% what do you guys think of this?? interesting? i dont know if you should reduce water changes though
  4. M


    i was just about to say that :D i'd say super delta too.
  5. M

    Hi from Australia :-)

    hi, you'll find there are quite a few aussies on here. me being one of them :D you'll also find great info on here too :D
  6. M

    clean tanks for ever?? ebay

    hehehe you guys are all nuts!! like sorrells fish removal tool from ebay :lol: I wonder what it is :D
  7. M

    mmmbetta girl.

    i love that last pic. is she one of the ones you rescued?? she is very pretty :D
  8. M

    Went nuts on aquabid

    and what does you husband think about getting some more bettas :D hehehehe they are all very nice sorrell. i think your going to have to extend your fish room too, to accomidate them all :lol:
  9. M

    I'm done with Aquabid!

    after reading this whole post i've come to the decision you lot are a bunch of nutcases, :rofl: but also so am i :D and thats why i love it here :kana: "normal' people are boring!! :P hehehehe
  10. M

    Took some photos of my fish

    nice tank blobon I have a blushing angel as well (although he's much bigger than yours) I love them. Where abouts in Aus are you from?
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    My Show Bettas

    wow julie i love that HM IM nominate him for BOTM for sure!!
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    check out this cool logo

    hehehe nice logo!!
  13. M

    Betta Show Pictures

    wow those are some nice fish you have gooten yourselevs there :D And sounds like you had heaps of fun!! I wish they had betta shows her in AUS, im having so much trouble trying to find bettas i want and when i ask about certain types noone seems to know what im talking about (but maybe its...
  14. M

    Heater Eplosion

    you should ALWAYS turn the heater off before you take it out! Your lucky all your fish and yourself wernt electrocuted!!
  15. M

    I made a Horrible Truly Horrible Mistake

    sorry about your fish :( like everyone said we all make mistakes. im sure he had a good home with you while he was with you
  16. M

    finally, a pic

    hes a crown tail and a very pretty one at that :D nice betta :D BOTM
  17. M


    so sorry about your fish 55. Im sure you gave them a better home then they would have had if someone else would have got them. Just think they could have ended up in a jar or something. Im sure you did all you could
  18. M

    i can't believe my dad's ignorance....

    so sorry about your fish steppy. unfortunatly parents think they know better. and he will never admitt to killing your fish. now its nice and clean you can start all over again (and dont let you dad touch it!)
  19. M


    when the fish are in buckets i dont think she has time to do that. What you can do though is grab some of the gravel out of the tank and put that in there it might help the fish along a bit.. best of luck :D
  20. M

    Angel Fish looks like Mick Jagger!

    like heresmike said. you cannot tell the sex of angel fish until they spawn. Getting another angels will not help it will probably make things worse. you need to get that angel out of the tank, and treat him.
  21. M

    new fish

    we sure do have them here :D Its just everything else that we dont get :lol:
  22. M

    NEW FISH GUY - Inherited 180 gal tank--need advice

    um how are you heating the vase? take him back he will not grow in a vase let alone live very well. Sorry but it wont happen in the tank you have while the oscars are still there
  23. M

    angel fish

    you cant tell the sex of an angel fish until they mate
  24. M

    My new theory

    hehehehehe it could have worked :lol:
  25. M

    it started with just 1 Betta...

    hehehe i know that feeling. i have 12 now and want more!! put a post in the betta and gourami section you'll fit in there
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    Aussie newbie

    hey there. ther are a few aussies on here , me being one of them :D its a great please here im sure you will learn alot. where in aus are you?
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    Your first post?

    hehe good one julie. mine was on the 18th november 03. It was about my gouramis turns out i only had males anyways :D hehehehe :lol:
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    a betta wouldnt have enough room at the top to 'breath'
  29. M

    Betta ??

    what size is your tank??
  30. M

    Couple O discus pics.

    wow Fm very nice :-)
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    my first spawn attempt

    congrats!! when can we see pics of the babies?
  32. M

    I got a jumper on my hands!

    i have af ew that jump out for their food :-) i have one veil tail that jumps as soon as i take the lid off his tank (lucky the lids there) when hes knows live worms are coming :D hes always very hungry!
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    Pairing my bettas

    well said Kelly :lol:
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    Betta Breeders in Australia

    does any one know of any good betta breeders in australia?? thanks Kellie
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    the Lord giveth......

    chocolate gouramis are very hard fish to keep
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    you should boil the pea first the shell it then you can feed it to him
  37. M

    Don't know what this is?

    maybe apple snails?? do you have them??
  38. M

    Mustard Gas spawns

    i love the episode :-) hehehe my names Kellie as well :D
  39. M

    HM took a vacation

    hahahaha :rofl: that i would lke to see as long as he gets to you safe and sound thats all that matters. cant wait to see pics :-)
  40. M

    I have betta eggs

    were you planning on breeding them?? what size is the tank they are in??