Took some photos of my fish

konrad05 said:
I don't see the problem in him keeping the balas as they are small. Everybody makes such a big deal about keeping balas in medium sized tanks when the fish is only really about 2-3 inches. As long as the keeper is aware that they're going to have to give them away when they grow out of the tank, it's okay.
I totally agree, We all have fish in our tanks that if they were full size they would need a bigger tank.
I have twelve Clown loaches ranging from 4" to 6" in a 80g, If they were fully grown they would need more space as they grow to a foot long but they take years and years to get to that size and most people upgrade their tank every few years anyway.

Edit: Great tank and great pictures
those are blushing angels, correct? Thats why the gill are would be red, because it looks like theyre blushing. those are my favorite kinds of angelfish.
As long as you know some of your fish are will outgrow your tank then its fine ;) excellent tank and fish :thumbs:
Really nice tank.

I have seen those Angels before, they basically have no gills. I believe they are born this way and is why they are different in colour. The angels will get big but are worth keeping untill they do, and as Nidge said, most people upgrade their tanks every few years anyway. Which is why i need to hurry up and finish uni, that or my angels should stop growing :crazy:

man the fish are small rite now so they are fine, besides he posted pictures of his fish for everyone to enjoy, not for everyone to critisize, and bala sharks grow slow anyway, superb looking fish btw :D
To all the people that have said that they will grow out of the tank.


But at the moment they are fine in the tank they are in. If they get too big, i can use it as an excuse to buy a bigger tank. Or give them to someone with a bigger tank until i can afford to upgrade.

As for the angel, it came like that from the LFS, had been there for a while, the other angel is fine. Someone mentioned that it is a blushing angel and its normal. Well, thats great.

Thanks to those that defended my tank, and thanks for the good comments.
Well said Blobon. :nod:
I think people just like to point out obvious facts just to feel like they're fish experts or something. :/
konrad05 said:
Well said Blobon. :nod:
I think people just like to point out obvious facts just to feel like they're fish experts or something. :/
Perhaps but it does not take a genius to work out that the fish he has are going to outgrow the tank and that it is way overstocked. :/ I am talking about both the angels and the balas outgrowing and the ancistrus overstocking by the way.

Sorry if you think I was getting at you, Andy. I, and others I expect, were just making sure that you were aware as many are not and end up with real problems a short time down the line. Sure you have time before the fish grow and I think it was Nidge who gave the example of clown loaches and how you can upgrade as they grow. Only problem with that is that balas and angels grow much, much faster than clown loaches who are notorious slow growers.

Good luck with it.
I know you werent having a go at me personally, but its a bit discouraging when you get your first tank, post your first pictures and the first thing people say is "your fish are going to be to big for your tank" even tho now, they are all good.

kinda makes me not want to post other pictures as they grow and/or do things that people might want to see, for fear of getting flamed again.

It would have been fine if one person mentioned it in passing, but it was said by 4 people, plus more in chat, plus being told that i shouldnt have bought a fish if im just going to get rid of it later when the person has no idea about my situation and/or plans for my fish or tank, plus was told that my angel with the red on it has gill flukes (also in chat).

not exactly the most welcoming reception to the world of fish keeping is it.
that is so true, But they are only trying to help yous.
Although it does take time for them to get huge, so dont worry mate you got ages!! They will happyily live in there for years.
blobon you dont need to worry man. some people just like to state the obvious.
Its your first tank you dont need to get things perfect as its better to learn from mistake, but by the way i see it u are making no mistakes. Good luck man :D

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