i can't believe my dad's ignorance....

umm...this is the second time i coulda swore i posted on here....aw well...try this for the 3RD time.

the fish that are left are fine. the tank is cleaned and set up, and everyone is back home. i'm suprised how well the algae eater is doing....such a strong fella! a little pale when i first put him in, but he's fine now :D

i told my dad to never touch the food again, and don't touch the tank. just LEAVE IT ALONE!!! he got hissy and pissy, and blah blah blah....but everything is fine now.

the first sunfish in quickly explored the tank....looked really happy. the second one sat for a minute, then started checkin things out. the gourami just slowly looked around for a new spot to take over. i changed the setup, so he doesn't have his corner to take control of...so right now he's just casually swimming around the top with the sunfish. the goldfish was the first we put in....he also looked pretty glad to be out of the bowl....suprisingly he wasn't gasping for air like most carnival fish do when moved. all in all, we lost 4 fish....3 foils and the cat. :rip:

i'll follow the advice given here and make sure things go fine and dandy WITHOUT my dad. thanks for the help everyone :D

now excuse me while i go edit my siggy :grr:
My god.. what a story.. its true what they say.. you can choose your friends but not your parents :grr:

Pardon my frankness but he sounds like a right grumpy old git!! :angry: I have a 17 year old daughter and wouldn't dream of not respecting her opinions and when she knows about something than I do, I always listen. Shes always showing me stuff about the computer :thumbs:

And to loose 4 fish through his pig headedness i'm just speachless :(
I current have a very nice young lady of 18 on here giving me lots of advice.. and thank bloody goodness because without it I would be making even more mistakes than I have already...
it's nice that not all parents are the same :D

my mom listens to me. it's just my dad that doesn't. cuz he's "always right"

lol....this makes me think of my moms pj-shirt. it says "when i married Mr.right, i never knew that his first name was Always! and thats a bunch of bull too!"
it's a husband thing.....lol. lots of older couples have what they consider arrogent all knowing husbands. it's one of those stereo type things :p
so sorry to hear about that steppy. :( I hardly dare ask this but now the cat has died, has your dad admitted that his cleaning method was not the best one?
Charcol in the filter will clear up the tank, no offense but u and ur dad got sum issues if my dad is doign sumthin wrong with my tank (Im lucky he doesnt even touch it he just watches the fish) U should just be able to tell him and it should be done with -_-
Just remember you can't change other people. Same goes for boyfriends if you haven't learned that yet. :p
Maybe talk to you mom, it sounds like she knows how he is, she may have learned a few "tricks" for dealing with him.
Sorry to hear about your fish , and your dads unwillingness to accept your advice .

At 53 he's an old dog , no ofence to anyone , but what I mean is he can't be changed easily .

Steppy , you're gonna have to bite it on this one until he sees that your techniques in fishkeeping are more successful then his or you are old enough to move out . :dunno:

I hate when other people think they know better , when they realy don't .

good luck with him .
thanks everyone. he's still mad at my remarks to him earlier....especially when i said "i can't expect you to take care of the fish when you can't even take care of yourself!" (he smokes, he's fat, i think he's diabetic, and has many other smoking related issues)

he's still ticked off at that. we put lots of charcoal in the filter. my mom don't know any tricks....she's gotta listen to him just as much i do :rolleyes:

i told him "what a coinsidence that all the fish i'm taking caring for in my room don't stink, are clean, and ALIVE!"

the tank does look really nice now. i never realized myself how much of a difference the cloudy water makes! i have a before and after picture thats really amazing. the setup looks great now, and i didn't notice before that in the first photo the water actually looks yellow...i thought it was just the cam. but now that we did the change, it looks like water! lol.

now to keep it that way :sly:
so sorry about your fish steppy.
unfortunatly parents think they know better.
and he will never admitt to killing your fish.

now its nice and clean you can start all over again (and dont let you dad touch it!)

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