jim from sunny sydney
New Member
Having lost a lot of my fish the last few days, I am convinced it is because I introduced 6 new neon tetras. Only after they entered the main tank (150 litres) the problem started. I did not make any changes to the system otherwise.
I should have learned a lesson from some time ago when I had a similar problem. So now I want to put any new fish in a holding tank like for a while, similar as in “quarantine”. The only thing is, how long for and under what conditions? Do I need to add any chemicals. I rather not as I am anti chemicals as much as possible. Does any-one have experience in this??
I should have learned a lesson from some time ago when I had a similar problem. So now I want to put any new fish in a holding tank like for a while, similar as in “quarantine”. The only thing is, how long for and under what conditions? Do I need to add any chemicals. I rather not as I am anti chemicals as much as possible. Does any-one have experience in this??