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  1. CoMan

    Is This A Bristle Worm?

    Thanks everyone for the quick replies! Love this forum! Found another type this morn it's very motionless and not as bristley as the 1st. I'm guessing it's a bristle worm? It's a very light pink colour. Thoughts? Cheers again guys
  2. CoMan

    Is This A Bristle Worm?

    Hi, is this a bristle worm? I've read most types are ok. What's your thoughts on this? Cheers
  3. CoMan

    Coral Of The Week - Sarcophytons

    Here's my newly added toadstool "Edmond". He's my very first coral. I've only had him about 4 days but I'm well happy with him! He seems to be extending a little bit more everyday.
  4. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Cheers Seffie, yeah I'm well happy with him. He seems to extend a little bit more everyday but always shrinks away at night when the light goes out. Do you now what type of toadstool he is? CoMan
  5. CoMan

    Thinking Of Setting Up The Orca 550 - Take A Look Here

    Just to answer seffies question, I would def recomend this tank. I think it's a good starter level for those like me that have never done anything like this before. Only thing is if you like some of the bigger fish like Tangs etc you'll need a bigger set up so do your research.
  6. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    So a few new things. I have changes the shock pump with an Eheim 1000. To be honest I'm not massively impressed. There is a marked improvement in suface movement but not what I was hoping. Kind of wished I went for the maxi jet 1200 now. Oh well The stock pump is on the main tank in the bottom...
  7. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    So my lonely clown "Cash" now has a buddy "Tango II". Tango II is doing really well eating loads and He doesn't seem to travel more than a few inches from Cash. They are distively two different colours though! Cash is dark orange with little black on him. Where as Tango II is like a...
  8. CoMan

    My First Marine Tank Orca 550

    Never mind. I won mine on flee bay for £138. It came with everything including stand. I looked for about 3 months and saw that they go for between £150 to £195. Just hold out and you'll find one I know it! Good luck
  9. CoMan

    Thinking Of Setting Up The Orca 550 - Take A Look Here

    Hi all I'm by no means an expert on the orca 550 setup but here is what I've experienced so far. My orca is second hand and in good Nik. I paid £138 including stand. My heater failed after a few months so my advise would be a good idea to have a spare ready. I replaced with a fluval 200 watt...
  10. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Ok first gripe! The temperature in my tank is drivig me mad! The thermostat on my heater is turned up to 26c and the temp in the main tank reaches a smidgen under 28c(I'm guessing that's too high right??). I turned the thermostat down to 25.5c and no change to the temp at all. So I turn the...
  11. CoMan

    Will Clowns Really Host A Toadstool Coral?

    Cool! Interesting stuff. Cheers for that and thanks for the quick reply. CoMan
  12. CoMan

    Will Clowns Really Host A Toadstool Coral?

    cheers that's good to know. Guess if I put the toadstool in first and the clowns hosted that, there would be no guarantee they wouldnt then swap to a LPS if it was later introduced? Has anyone experienced this?
  13. CoMan

    Will Clowns Really Host A Toadstool Coral?

    I would love a LPS like a hammer etc. But I don't think I have the right lighting. I have two 24 watt PLC's. Anyone know if they are strong enough??
  14. CoMan

    Will Clowns Really Host A Toadstool Coral?

    Sweet! Can't wait to get one!
  15. CoMan

    Will Clowns Really Host A Toadstool Coral?

    Hi all my question is will a pair of clowns really host a toadstool coral? I'd love for mine to do it! Eventually I'm hoping to get a toadstool, if my clowns host it, how will it effect the coral? Will they damage it etc cheers CoMan
  16. CoMan

    Bottom Dwellers

    Many thanks for the heads up on the blenny. Think I'll go with watchman then. I thought that he looked like a grumpy old man lol. Do you know if they are an active fish?
  17. CoMan

    Bottom Dwellers

    Hi all I was at the LFS and I was looking at a scooter blenny and yellow watchman. I have an orca nano tl550 which is 120L. One day I'd like a bottom dweller such as these two. are they reef safe? Are they ok in a nano such as mine and which one would be best? Cheers guys
  18. CoMan

    My First Marine Tank Orca 550

    Hi and welcome I'm also getting started with the 550 and the people on hear are very friendly and knowledgable. I'm learning loads everyday, it's a great hobby. What Sort of live stock are you thinking of? CoMan
  19. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Seffie I take it the H2ocean salt u use brings you ph up nicely then? I just can't get mine up(now now lol) with red sea coral pro to 8.3. Would u recomend I change salt or buffer? Cheers ps I'll look into Nice one CoMan
  20. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Hey Seffie thanks for the advise. Just got a few qs if that's cool? Things that i'm not sure on. I'm currently using Red sea coral pro salt, I'm always unsure how long to leave it mixed up before I put it in the tank. A few hours or over night?. What salt do you use? Do u buffer ph kh. Again...
  21. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    My journel TL 550 The beginning So for about a year I had this unhealthy obsession with having a marine tank. At first, like with all my hair brain ideas I thought it would just pass and in a few months I would be crazy about starting sky diving lessons or something.  A whole year past and in...
  22. CoMan

    Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?

    On the flip side of that I had a crab in my nano that was fine for months then he went homicidal and ate pretty much every other crab in the tank and then got one of my clown fish. I have always been put off all crabs since then (and the experiences I have had with hermits eating my snails)...
  23. CoMan

    Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?

    I hear ya. I'll check him out tonight. Don't have a red tinted tourch handy though. Cheers
  24. CoMan

    Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?

    He us very similar to yours. But mines quite a bit lighter grey. But mine is very small and my turn darker as he grows(maybe). I've seen him picking at the rocks so I guess it's algae he's after. Cheers mate
  25. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Got some more cuc three cerith snails and another hermit. Check it! The snails are munching away on the alge sweet!!!!
  26. CoMan

    Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?

    Thanks for the posts guys here's a slightly better pic of the crab cheers
  27. CoMan

    Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?

    Cheers AK I've googled those and They are similar to what I have but not totally if you catch me. I'll keep looking online though cheers guys thanks for the input.
  28. CoMan

    Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?

    seffie cheers. I googled them both and didn't look like what I got going on in my tank. I know what u mean about the pictures, bit blury. I'll try and get better ones. The crab is really light coloured and the twig look like tiny anemones but in clusters? Strange!
  29. CoMan

    Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?

    Hi all my tank is quite new just over 2 months old now. I'm really new to this and any advise would be good. I recently found these little brown twig like creatures growing out of my live rock. On the ends are like micro fine feelers. They are growing in clusters. Could it be Baby Aiptasia...
  30. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Some good advise there cheers. Cuc it is then including snails and a shrimp. As for a toadstool. I will gradually get the salt and ph up and post the water quality results(including phosphate). Also do a large water change(around half). Got it...I think cheers
  31. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    I hear you. Shame he will be on his own for sometime but guess it's for the best. I'm thinking of adding a cleaner shrimp soon in a few weeks do you think it would be ok? Also I was at the lfs today looking for those bumble bee snails(they don't have any) when I saw this really beautiful...
  32. CoMan


    ok I'll have a go later but my thumbs will fall off lol
  33. CoMan


    Ok I'll do it now. Cheers
  34. CoMan


    Seffie I'll keep going with stock skimmer at the mo then and see if I can fine tune it. With regard to the filter floss. If I take it out will the rowa phos be ok just sitting on the live rock in it's bags with the carbon on top? How is yours set up if I may ask? The journel sounds like a good...
  35. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    It looks as though Cash has pulled through completely. His colour is really bright and I can't see any White glaze on him still. He eats none stop and swiming well. So happy! Just worried he is on his own now. Does he need a mate? When should I put one in? Should it be the same size and same...
  36. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    I think what u are refering to might be a few shells I picked up when I was diving a few years back lol. Anyhow will look on the cuc you suggested. Think your write about Tango(the large clown that died). Sorry not sure if they were wild or captive bread. Maybe should of asked. Will do next...
  37. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Here are some pics. They may help
  38. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    hi Seffie I got two red legged hermits and two turbo snails. Do you think I could get one more of each or go for an emerald crab also? Tests just done now Stats are: amonia 0 nitrates 5 nitrite 0.1 ph is 7.9. Should I buffer this? It's always been a this. My lfs said it's common in our area...
  39. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    The clowns were in there for seven days before showing symptoms. they were added with another 2kgs of live rock that I bought the same day. Nothing else was added after them. Before they were added I but two hermits and two turbo snails around two weeks before. I have noticed a lot of gold...
  40. CoMan

    Clowns With White Glaze/film

    Update this morning I checked on my one remaining clown (named "cash"). I can't see any White glaze on him at all. It seems he is fixed?!? He ate loads this morning as usual and looks like he has hosted the under side of the power head? Strange fella... But I guess he feels safe there? Also he...