Will Clowns Really Host A Toadstool Coral?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2010
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Hi all my question is will a pair of clowns really host a toadstool coral? I'd love for mine to do it!

Eventually I'm hoping to get a toadstool, if my clowns host it, how will it effect the coral? Will they damage it etc


Yeah they can do, the toadstool will take a while to get used to them, it will close whem they touch it at first, but after a while it can be done.
My clowns hosted a long polyped toadstool - never had any effect on it at all :good:

Seffie x
Sweet! Can't wait to get one!
Clowns will host anything... anemone, toadstool, hammer, plate coral, powerhead etc.

One thing worth mentioning is that some LPS like a hammer can harm a clown if it hasn't built up an adequate slime coat.
Clowns will host anything... anemone, toadstool, hammer, plate coral, powerhead etc.

One thing worth mentioning is that some LPS like a hammer can harm a clown if it hasn't built up an adequate slime coat.

I would love a LPS like a hammer etc. But I don't think I have the right lighting. I have two 24 watt PLC's. Anyone know if they are strong enough??
clowns will host anything, softies are better than LPS because while hosting the clown may damage the skeleton. if u got occelaris clowns then from experience, xenia's are your best bet, but its all up to them.
clowns will host anything, softies are better than LPS because while hosting the clown may damage the skeleton. if u got occelaris clowns then from experience, xenia's are your best bet, but its all up to them.

cheers that's good to know. Guess if I put the toadstool in first and the clowns hosted that, there would be no guarantee they wouldnt then swap to a LPS if it was later introduced?

Has anyone experienced this?
Chances are they will not host something as soon as you put it in. It may be months before, if at all, that they decide they want to host something. Once they decide to host something, I've never seen them switch to something else.
Chances are they will not host something as soon as you put it in. It may be months before, if at all, that they decide they want to host something. Once they decide to host something, I've never seen them switch to something else.
Cool! Interesting stuff. Cheers for that and thanks for the quick reply.


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