Got Stuff Coming Out Of My Rocks?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2010
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Hi all

my tank is quite new just over 2 months old now. I'm really new to this and any advise would be good.

I recently found these little brown twig like creatures growing out of my live rock. On the ends are like micro fine feelers. They are growing in clusters. Could it be Baby Aiptasia?


And also I saw briefly a really small crab in a hole in the rock. He is a White/grey colour with dark red tips on the pinchers. Any ideas? Is he good or bad?


Any ideas on what I got in my tank would be much appriciated

It's difficult to tell from those pictures :blush: it's my eyes, must get a new pair of glasses!!

Sesarma bidens red clawed crab
Peanut worm

Seffie x
It's difficult to tell from those pictures :blush: it's my eyes, must get a new pair of glasses!!

Sesarma bidens red clawed crab
Peanut worm

Seffie x


cheers. I googled them both and didn't look like what I got going on in my tank. I know what u mean about the pictures, bit blury. I'll try and get better ones.

The crab is really light coloured and the twig look like tiny anemones but in clusters? Strange!
Not sure either. The crab looks very much like a mithrax and these can be pale grey in colour sometimes. The twig things might be a species of tube worm.
Not sure either. The crab looks very much like a mithrax and these can be pale grey in colour sometimes. The twig things might be a species of tube worm.
Cheers AK

I've googled those and They are similar to what I have but not totally if you catch me. I'll keep looking online though

cheers guys thanks for the input.
Probably small feather dusters. SH

Probably small feather dusters or some other worm. Hard to see. SH
Thanks for the posts guys

here's a slightly better pic of the crab

does he look like

if so he may eat algae, get a torch, color the lens red and late at night have a butchers in the tank, if he eats veg you will see it munching the green stuff happily.

i have 2 crabs like the one in the picture, both eat algae and the bigger one has been seen cleaning it off my snails and hermits shells.
does he look like

if so he may eat algae, get a torch, color the lens red and late at night have a butchers in the tank, if he eats veg you will see it munching the green stuff happily.

i have 2 crabs like the one in the picture, both eat algae and the bigger one has been seen cleaning it off my snails and hermits shells.

He us very similar to yours. But mines quite a bit lighter grey. But mine is very small and my turn darker as he grows(maybe). I've seen him picking at the rocks so I guess it's algae he's after.

Cheers mate
might be a good idea to have a look at night and see what he does in the wee hours, there are thousands of species of crab that look almost identical so presume he eats veg until you have seen him do it.
might be a good idea to have a look at night and see what he does in the wee hours, there are thousands of species of crab that look almost identical so presume he eats veg until you have seen him do it.

On the flip side of that I had a crab in my nano that was fine for months then he went homicidal and ate pretty much every other crab in the tank and then got one of my clown fish. I have always been put off all crabs since then (and the experiences I have had with hermits eating my snails).
that was meant to be dont presume he eats veg lol
might be a good idea to have a look at night and see what he does in the wee hours, there are thousands of species of crab that look almost identical so presume he eats veg until you have seen him do it.
I hear ya. I'll check him out tonight. Don't have a red tinted tourch handy though.


On the flip side of that I had a crab in my nano that was fine for months then he went homicidal and ate pretty much every other crab in the tank and then got one of my clown fish. I have always been put off all crabs since then (and the experiences I have had with hermits eating my snails).

wow...ok guess I'll have to see what type he is. If he turns out to be from the "darkside" he will be removed.

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