Clowns With White Glaze/film


this morning I checked on my one remaining clown (named "cash"). I can't see any White glaze on him at all. It seems he is fixed?!? He ate loads this morning as usual and looks like he has hosted the under side of the power head? Strange fella... But I guess he feels safe there? Also he picks at the left over food that gets caught in the rear of it.

Going to hold off on medicating him for now and going to monitor him every few hours today.
Hi CoMan,

That's a good sign :good:

Provided he is eating well and is active, without swimming erratically, I'd hold off medicating him too, as it sounds he managed to stave off the infection. Just out of interest, how long had the clowns been in the tank? Have you added any new livestock recently?
Hi CoMan,

That's a good sign :good:

Provided he is eating well and is active, without swimming erratically, I'd hold off medicating him too, as it sounds he managed to stave off the infection. Just out of interest, how long had the clowns been in the tank? Have you added any new livestock recently?

The clowns were in there for seven days before showing symptoms. they were added with another 2kgs of live rock that I bought the same day. Nothing else was added after them. Before they were added I but two hermits and two turbo snails around two weeks before.

I have noticed a lot of gold brown alge onthe rocks and sand. Is this normal. Will it die off or should I add some more cuc? Is it related to the clowns problems?

The gold brown will probably be diatoms - what cuc do you have and what are your stats saying - you may be having a mini cycle due to the new live rock

Seffie x
The gold brown will probably be diatoms - what cuc do you have and what are your stats saying - you may be having a mini cycle due to the new live rock

Seffie x

hi Seffie

I got two red legged hermits and two turbo snails. Do you think I could get one more of each or go for an emerald crab also?

Tests just done now
Stats are:
amonia 0
nitrates 5
nitrite 0.1
ph is 7.9. Should I buffer this? It's always been a this. My lfs said it's common in our area and not to worry?!?

Any input would be greatly appriciated

Here are some pics. They may help




lol your tank looks very similar to mine when I first got it. The cave in the rocks is almost identical.

As you don't have any corals in the tank, I wouldn't be overly concerned with the ph at the moment. It looks like you have an astrea and a mexican turbo snail. I'd recommend adding a few nassarius snails (bumble bee ones are cute) and maybe an orange lipped conch. I don't think my bumble bee snails have left the rockwork for any length of time, since I got them. The conch will keep your sandbed well aerated and clear of algae. You will most likely have to target feed it at the moment, until enough food occurs naturally in the tank for it though, as they tend not to climb on the rocks or glass.

With regard to the clowns, it is most likely that they were purchased with the brooklynella infection. The big one probably already had it and it began to infect the smaller one. Were they wild caught?
I think what u are refering to might be a few shells I picked up when I was diving a few years back lol. Anyhow will look on the cuc you suggested.

Think your write about Tango(the large clown that died). Sorry not sure if they were wild or captive bread. Maybe should of asked. Will do next time. I guess wild caught will have more chance of carrying the disease. To be honest where I bought them from there were about thirty small clowns all swiming together in quite a small tank. And I just tried to pick what I thought to be the two most healthy. Guess I got that wrong. Anyhow I won't be going back there as there are a few places I can chose from.

I will read up on the conch and bumble bee snails. Are they easy to find at lfs? Cost?
The conch and bumblebee snails should be relatively easy to find from a LFS. I actually got mine online. All have been in my tank about 6 months now and are doing well. If you can't find them locally, have a look on ebay. Conch usually goes for around £5 and the bumblebee snails for around £1 - 1.50 a pop. You can get deals on multiple specimens from some sellers.
It looks as though Cash has pulled through completely. His colour is really bright and I can't see any White glaze on him still. He eats none stop and swiming well.

So happy!

Just worried he is on his own now. Does he need a mate? When should I put one in? Should it be the same size and same type of clown?

It looks as though Cash has pulled through completely. His colour is really bright and I can't see any White glaze on him still. He eats none stop and swiming well.

So happy!

Just worried he is on his own now. Does he need a mate? When should I put one in? Should it be the same size and same type of clown?


Hi CoMan,

Glad to hear the clown is doing well. A clownfish on its own is a sad thing to see as they form mated pairs in the wild, until either one dies or the male is succeeded by another male challenger. I wouldn't add another fish at the moment. Firstly, you run the risk of infecting it, if the parasite is still in the water. Secondly, I would wait about 6-8 weeks or so and allow the remaining fish to grow. It will then most likely become the new female. When you add a new, noticeably smaller clownfish to the tank, it will be the new male.
I hear you. Shame he will be on his own for sometime but guess it's for the best. I'm thinking of adding a cleaner shrimp soon in a few weeks do you think it would be ok? Also I was at the lfs today looking for those bumble bee snails(they don't have any) when I saw this really beautiful toadstool coral. I really want one bad, but no I have to control my impulse buying nature. When do u think I should add one? What is invloved in it's care? I've had a read online and they seem quite simple to look after. Is this true?

Should I start a new thread for this question
They are a good starter coral - take a look at the pinned coral of the week, you will find lots of photos and info :good:

Seffie x
I hear you. Shame he will be on his own for sometime but guess it's for the best. I'm thinking of adding a cleaner shrimp soon in a few weeks do you think it would be ok? Also I was at the lfs today looking for those bumble bee snails(they don't have any) when I saw this really beautiful toadstool coral. I really want one bad, but no I have to control my impulse buying nature. When do u think I should add one? What is invloved in it's care? I've had a read online and they seem quite simple to look after. Is this true?

Should I start a new thread for this question

As Seffie says, they are a good starter coral. Pretty tough, with little in the way of direct care requirements. T5 compacts or higher would be best. Nitrates and phoshpates need to be low in order to keep corals, so ensure that you test your water before adding one and post the results here. A 50% water change will help to kick those nitrates, but you'll need to know what your phosphates are at. Your PH might also need buffering too, just to bring it up to nearer 8.3. Your SG will also need to be in the region of 1.026 if it isn't already.

I'd get yourself some clean up crew to get your rocks in ship shape. You can add a cleaner shrimp whenever you like now. Your tank has finished cycling and the shrimp will form part of your CUC. Have a look on ebay for the bumble bee snails. Alternatively you can just get regular nassarius snails from your LFS, or cerith snails. Also, I'd get micro hermits, like the mexican red tip, scarlet reef or dwarf tri-colour.
Some good advise there cheers. Cuc it is then including snails and a shrimp.

As for a toadstool. I will gradually get the salt and ph up and post the water quality results(including phosphate). Also do a large water change(around half).

Got it...I think


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