Bottom Dwellers


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2010
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Hi all

I was at the LFS and I was looking at a scooter blenny and yellow watchman. I have an orca nano tl550 which is 120L.

One day I'd like a bottom dweller such as these two. are they reef safe? Are they ok in a nano such as mine and which one would be best?

Cheers guys
I would not recommend scooter blenny in a nano. They are on the same level of difficulty as a mandarin. Most scooters will not eat frozen foods and those that do should still be provided with a live source of copepods. They hunt all day long and so in small tanks with ones that do not eat frozen, they usually starve.

As for the watchman, good fish. Would definitely suggest over the scooter.
I would not recommend scooter blenny in a nano. They are on the same level of difficulty as a mandarin. Most scooters will not eat frozen foods and those that do should still be provided with a live source of copepods. They hunt all day long and so in small tanks with ones that do not eat frozen, they usually starve.

As for the watchman, good fish. Would definitely suggest over the scooter.

Many thanks for the heads up on the blenny. Think I'll go with watchman then. I thought that he looked like a grumpy old man lol. Do you know if they are an active fish?
I would not recommend scooter blenny in a nano. They are on the same level of difficulty as a mandarin. Most scooters will not eat frozen foods and those that do should still be provided with a live source of copepods. They hunt all day long and so in small tanks with ones that do not eat frozen, they usually starve.

As for the watchman, good fish. Would definitely suggest over the scooter.

Many thanks for the heads up on the blenny. Think I'll go with watchman then. I thought that he looked like a grumpy old man lol. Do you know if they are an active fish?

Never had that exact species personally, had a different watchman species. He built a cave and pretty much sat with his head out of it all day long. Only really moved around to either, continue building his cave or if there was food.
Good pick on the Watchman. I just bought one saturday, and he is a really cool fish. EXCEPT, I have yet to get him to eat. I have tried flakes, mysis, and now live brine to get him to eat, and nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions?? My tank sucks, because it's a very tall tank (29 gal. Hex), I try to blow some food in his area with a turkey baster, but he wont come out for any food. Can someone help me with this, or give me any suggestions??


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