Search results

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    Plec for 55L tank

    Hearin ya, Cryosi. I find such a huge amount of online fishkeepers refer to their aquariums in relation to their size in terms of water capacity rather than dimensions, which I find far easier, be they in inches & feet, or centimetres & metres. To make matters worse, theyre always referred to...
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    How soon is too soon

    I dont think 70-80G's should be construed as a minimum for keeping Silver's. It's an ideal size but I don't think it's cruel to keep them in somewhat more restricted surrounds, say, no less than 50G's. Anyway, I agree with you on the whole, Stickles. Reconsider your fish mate, cos both are...
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    fish game no 10

    I've got it! You're a Kuhli!
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    fish game no 10

    :angry: Im leading a revolt against that rule :lol: Please watch your language!! I would hate to see our family friendly rating jepardized :) :) CM
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    fish game no 10

    Can I ask another question since you answered, or do I have to wait for someone else to shoot next?
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    fish game no 10

    Do you reside in the Amazon?
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    fish game no 10

    Omnivorous...that widdles it down lol. Are you small?
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    I'm sure he meant a 4ft Red-Tailed Cat. Id be astonished to see even a 1ft Red-tailed Black.
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    Unfortunately, you can't discipline a fish as you would a dog!! Really, the only alternative is to move him to another aquarium, if you have one, or are willing to buy one, & restock his new home with tankmates that are less likely to be harassed. Otherwise, you are just going to have to make a...
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    New tank

    Rams are a truly gorgeous Cichlid, who would be fine in a 30GL, & also prefer well-planted aquariums. Probably not compatible with larger Cichlids though, as they're a dwarf species.
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    A pic of my tank

    Interesting to note that your livestock is exceptionally small for such a large aquarium. You prefer the smaller fish over some of the larger Catfish & Cichlids, AM? Or were they simply chosen because they are more convenient & conventional to keep?
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    A pic of my tank

    The plants look quite real.
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    Over heating of tank

    Living in Sydney, I experience temps in & around 40 during the summer, & dont experience any problems. Try a transparent visor over the aquarium or make larger, more regular water changes with exceptionally cooler water. You may want to consider stripping the aquarium down & relocating it to the...
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    Sick Bala Shark

    I'll echo that. Dude, you need at least a 120cm, or 4ft aquarium, preferably larger, & should be keeping this shark species in small groups. They can reach nearly 40cm, or 15". Im sure someone will be able to lend you a hand on the infection, but once healed, for the fishes benefit, it may be...
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    Neons will live fine with most dwarf Cichlids. Rams are a good Cichlid tankmate.
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    Errr, you do mean a red-tailed catfish, don't you? Surely you don't mean a red-tailed black shark :blink:
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    waz up people!

    Sweet Av, btw, Ming. Red Devil?
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    waz up people!

    I know that word carries somewhat of a stigma these days Ming, but there was no such intent placed with it on my end. I simply meant, & admittedly could have worded better, that there is no shortage of Cichlid-keeping around here. Again, my apologies if you misinterpreted me.
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    Hi, Question

    Your group title is governed by your amount of posts.
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    Stocking an empty tank

    Since you are planning on introducing Zebra Danios, I assume this will be a peaceful community aquarium of relatively small fish? If so, a good idea would be to post the names of fish in this thread, & I & the rest of the members here can tell you whether they are compatible or not. This is a...
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    waz up people!

    This place will swiftly remove any kind of ignorance on Lake Malawi & Tanganyikan Cichlids, if you talk to the right people. I try to avoid Cichlids myself, but prefer South Americans, if any. Im definitely partial to Rams tho :)
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    Fish Choice

    There is, but it only pertains to the desired amount of oxygen for the fish, not conscious of size & physical room required.
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    What do you think?

    I dont know a whole lot about this particular fish, but it upsets me as well. Its the same reason I have ALWAYS been against marine aquariums. I think they should be banned, because at the very least, 95% of all saltwater aquarium fish are taken from the ocean to be placed in a four, five, six...
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    At least a 90cm, or 3 ft, aquarium should house a red-tailed black.
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    Those elusive Khuli loaches!

    You should shoot for black khulis, MW, they are not as attractive aesthetically, but are far, far less reclusive.
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    Those elusive Khuli loaches!

    You can use gravel, but if you do, it should be as fine as you can possibly get your hands on. For mine, its a shame, because I love the look of the sharper, medium-sized gravel, but also cant go past a few Kuhlis. I guess sand is probably the ideal substrate.
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    How much of an addict are you??

    lol, back in the day when I couldnt afford a nice aquarium when I was young, I used to walk a good 40-50k's every few weeks to a big aquarist store to check out the fish for a while.
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    Game #7

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    Red Tailed Shark .. ?

    Maybe you got unlucky, Semper. I've kept one of these with four or five guppies in the past, never had any problems. They frequent opposite levels of the aquarium.
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    illness wiping out my tank.. help!

    Have any aerosols been sprayed near the aquarium lately? Have you added anything, such as a rock or artificial decoration recently?
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    fish game #5

    No way it's a Pacu. They're a shoaling fish. Dammit lol.
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    Tank backgrounds

    They arent particularly common where I am, but can be found without exceptionally extensive searching either. The major drawback is that they cost a fair bit, around $200 for a three footer. Its not cheap, but IMO, no other type of background can match its display. Im not sure of a place...
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    Tank backgrounds

    Some of the planted underwater plastic sheets are pretty good, but for mine... Go with a rockwall background. They fit on the inside of the aquarium with suckers against the inside-back glass & lays uneven, thus giving a real 3-D effect, & the appearance of a large rockwall in an aquarium your...
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    Timid Shell Dwellers

    Hell no, if there were Kuhlis in there. Kuhlis are gold, baby, gold :D
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    too meny fish

    Is it a dwarf plec, tho?
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    what if the tank is too small?

    You might consider removing one when they attain adulthood, yes. It is a damn shame that you weren't given neon tetras or zebra danios, as a shoal of these fish would have been in order. Still, manage it carefully & you may, no guarantees, have a large enough tank. Six litres is awful small...
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    General Species Advice/Recomendation

    How about a Firemouth Cichlid? Although, at 75cm, you would only have room for one. Still, an interesting fish in anyone's language.
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    Blue Lobster I hear you say

    One would be skeptical, wouldn't they.
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    Help a beginner...?

    An Oscar doesnt really fit into the scene there by the sounds of it. In fact, if it were to reach it's potential size, I would worry about the Fighter being a possible meal. In keeping with true Cichlid nature, Oscar's are highly aggressive & should best be kept with other large specimens.
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    Iridescent Shark

    It was a five foot tank tho, ample room for a shoal to stake out territories, even moreso considering they were the only bottom-dwellers. None exceeded 10cm in any event.