How much of an addict are you??


Fish Crazy
Jan 8, 2003
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Well as several of you on this forum know i'm waiting to get some
L. multifasciatus. Well a few weeks ago i decided i was going to get rid of my malawi tank and do a Tang. tank, so yesterday my lfs finally had room to take 9 out of my 14 and the other 5 next week.(why they complicated it like this only god knows) so i took 9 in and got $60 for them, even though they were allready writing "Large africans $15-$20 on the tank" but oh well. So i bought some food and was just gonna save the rest of my credit for later when i noticed a pair of J. ornatus that i just had to have(i had allready have ben considereing a pair in my tang tank). The tank they were going in still had gravel that needed to be replaced by sand. So last night i started the task of stripping down and scrubbing my 45(it's not everyday you get the oppurtunity to get it back to that new tank condition) at about 10:30. Come about 12:30 I'm outside, in the snow, it's litteraly freezing cold,(i spilt some water on the stairs as i started and 15 min later almost fell as the steps were now a sheet of ice) and i'm spraying and scrubing my tank with my python hose(man them things come in handy) because the gardenhose was frozen. Even though i was freezing cold, and stayed up till like 2 finishing up then watching my newest additions, call me crazy(or a fish addict), but it was worth it. That brings me to my question? I know i'm not the only one.(atleast i hope not) What's the craziest thing you've ever done for the hobby? -_- think real hard. :)

I'm thinkin it's a toss up between dedication or stupidity. I had to be somethin cause it was cold!
:*) ya that's kinda what i was leanin towards. It was one of those impulse purchases. I was planning on getting them some time in the future, after my multis, but they just looked so cool. I couldn't resist.
I think its the early symptoms of....


....(multi tank syndrome) lol :lol:

realy MTS is it contageous?

Well look at it this way i'm not gettin them utill the 18(that feels like 4ever) I just had that impulse not to look at an empy tank till then.

I hope theirs a cure!
Definitely no known cure - in fact it gets worse as time goes by :*) You get irrepressable urges to visit every lfs in your neighbourhood and, once in them, you are unable to leave empty handed. You find yourself scheming on how to tell your spouse that you really cannot live without a 6 foot tank instead of the settee. You change your screen saver to one of an underwater scene and your cursor into a fish!! And so it goes on and on and on :hyper: :crazy:
lol, back in the day when I couldnt afford a nice aquarium when I was young, I used to walk a good 40-50k's every few weeks to a big aquarist store to check out the fish for a while.
Had to go to the docs today and on the way I pass my lfs. I just HAD to look in there to see if there was anything new and I came away with 4 clown loaches (need em for the snails). They're already doing their job and I can see them crunching away at the baby snails :rolleyes: Got to go to the dentist now, also passing the same lfs on the way. Wonder what I'll come back with this time :hyper:

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